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Are you looking for an EU career?

Here you can find job vacancies for non-permanent contracts in the European Commission. It covers two types of job vacancies: Temporary staff and Contract staff.
Find out more about these categories and the procedures you need to follow if you want to apply for them on our How to apply page.

We would also like to invite you to visit the International Partnerships page of the European Commission for Temporary staff and Contract staff job vacancies in the field of external relations, located both in Brussels and in EU Delegations around the world. Please note that the job vacancies in question are handled by the European Commission and not by the European External Action Service (EEAS). For job vacancies posted by the EEAS, please consult their dedicated page: Vacancies | EEAS (

EPSO is the host of this webpage. However, the content published on this webpage is the sole responsibility of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security. Any questions regarding the job vacancies published on this webpage should be addressed to the relevant services of the European Commission.

Title Domain(s) DG Type of contract Grade Location(s) Publication date Deadline
Asystent polityczny Europejska administracja publiczna MOVE - Mobility and Transport Pracownik kontraktowy FG III Bruksela (Belgia)
Document Management Assistant Employment EMPL - Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Pracownik kontraktowy FG III Bruksela (Belgia)
External Auditor Employment EMPL - Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Pracownik kontraktowy FG IV Bruksela (Belgia)
Analityk biznesowy Informatyka DIGIT – Digital Services Pracownik kontraktowy FG IV Bruksela (Belgia)
Economic Analyst Gospodarka, finanse i statystyki ECFIN - Economic and Financial Affairs Pracownik zatrudniony na czas określony AD 5, AD 6, AD 7, AD 8 Bruksela (Belgia)
Sekretarz szefa przedstawicielstwa Personel pomocniczy COMM – Communication Pracownik kontraktowy FG II Sofia (Bułgaria)
Urzędnik działu zasobów ludzkich Zasoby ludzkie HR - Human Resources and Security Pracownik kontraktowy FG IV Bruksela (Belgia)
HRM Officer - Pensions rights, transfers and unemployment – transversal matters Remuneration, rights and obligations PMO - Office for the Administration & Payment of Individual Pracownik zatrudniony na czas określony AD 5, AD 6, AD 7, AD 8 Bruksela (Belgia)
Socio-Economic Analyst Employment EMPL - Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Pracownik kontraktowy FG IV Bruksela (Belgia)
Analityk polityki Gospodarka, finanse i statystyki CLIMA - Climate Action Pracownik zatrudniony na czas określony AD 5, AD 6, AD 7, AD 8 Bruksela (Belgia)