Testijiet tal-EPSO

EPSO competitions or selection procedures include a series of tests aimed at assessing general and specific competencies.
The Notice of Competition is the only official document that contains detailed information about the actual tests used by EPSO for a given competition.
All notices are published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This page contains some examples of tests that may be used by EPSO in its competitions, aimed solely at making prospective candidates more familiar with their structure and content. This page is not aimed at training candidates to pass our selection tests. This is outside of EPSO’s mandate.
Please note that candidates are no longer required to book their testing window in advance. Instead, all candidates are invited to sit for their test at the same time on the specified date and time in their invitation.
We also invite you to read EPSO’s general competency framework for more information about the competencies considered to be essential to perform effectively in any given job, by the EU institutions and bodies that EPSO serves. Some of those competencies are assessed by EPSO during the selection phase, others are assessed by the EU institutions and bodies themselves during the recruitment phase.
Informazzjoni importanti
L-EPSO ma joffrix korsijiet jew materjal ta’ tħejjija apparti t-testijiet kampjun ta’ hawn taħt, u lanqas ma japprova pubblikazzjonijiet jew korsijiet ta’ taħriġ magħmulin disponibbli minn entitajiet oħrajn.
Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja l-lista ta’ kuntatt għat-taħriġ u l-appoġġ tal-Istati Membri biex tiskopri t-taħriġ u l-appoġġ ipprovduti minn xi wħud minnhom.
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