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Administrators (AD-Generalists)

Candidates taking part in the Administrators (AD-Generalists) competition may have to pass the following tests:


Reasoning skills for AD

Reasoning skills tests:

Ready to go one step further? Then try our long version of verbal, numerical and abstract sample tests, also in a quiz format.  You can also consult an accessible version of these sample tests.

Please note that currently, these sample tests are only available in EN, FR and DE. Learn more about EPSO’s current work on this topic here.


EU Knowledge

A multiple-choice questionnaire about the EU, the EU institutions and EU main policies.

Please try our sample quiz.

Digital skills

The digital skills test is aimed at assessing candidates' digital literacy and practical knowledge, as relevant.

This test may cover the following 5 fields: 

  • Information & data literacy
  • Communication & collaboration
  • Digital content creation
  • Safety
  • Problem solving

Please try our sample quiz.

Written test

With EPSO’s move towards a full 24-language regime a new type of test will be introduced by EPSO in its selection procedures, as of 2024: the written test, a test aimed at assessing candidates’ written communication skills. The written test will replace the case study*.

Under the term written test, there are three different types of tests that EPSO will use according to the needs expressed by the recruiting services for each competition:

  1.        Written test (WT) related to the field(s) of the competition, assessing only written communication skills. 
  2.        Field-related written test (FRWT), assessing written communication skills and  knowledge in the relevant field of the competition.
  3.        Free-text Essay on EU matters (EUFTE), assessing only written communication skills. 

Candidates will be required to respond to the test assignment(s) based on the documentation provided by EPSO and related to the field(s) of the competition, as specified in the notice of competition.

The written test is not a language test. Candidates will be assessed on the basis of the specific ‘anchors’ listed below (‘anchors’ are the elements taken into consideration by test markers (i.e. assessors) when assessing a given competency).

‘Anchors’ for written communication skills:

The candidate:

  1. Written communication is structured with a logical flow of ideas.​
  2. Writes concisely without use of unnecessary words and sentences.​
  3. Presents subject-matter in an understandable way.​
  4. Adapts/tailors their writing to match the intended audience and purpose.​
  5. Uses the information provided to deal with the assignment.

*Case studies will continue to be used for some ongoing competitions.