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Λογότυπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής

EIGE – Traineeships (Research and Policy Support Unit)

02/12/2025 - 12:30 (Ώρα Βρυξελλώ)
Βίλνιους (Λιθουανία)

EIGE is launching a call for applications for traineeships lasting 11 months within its Research and Policy Support Unit.

These traineeships aim principally to:

  • provide on the job training experience in key areas of the Agency's work covered by the Research and Policy Support Unit, in particular research and statistics, gender based violence and gender mainstreaming;
  • extend and apply knowledge acquired in the course of studies or working life;
  • provide practical working knowledge of EU agencies and institutions;
  • enable trainees to acquire work experience in an EU agency context.