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Ville, právnik



I am Ville, legal officer in the Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety and blind since my birth. 
For me working for the EU Institutions was a dream and succeeding it seemed so unlikely that I almost never tried. 
But with the encouragement and support of those closest to me, I did - and now I have been working here since 2013. If I could do it, why couldn't you? 
However, there is no prize without effort. Make sure that your professional skills match the job you are applying for and find out as much as possible so that you are prepared for each step. 

Think what you can give to the Institutions instead of what they can give to you, be honest about your disability if you have one and any special needs. 
Think proactively about how to cope with any issues the disability could cause in your work as smoothly as possible. 
Show that you have the competences, knowledge and initiative to be entrusted with the responsibilities of the job. Be motivated and show it. It may sound a lot and it is indeed a bit unfair. 
As persons with a disability we need to be even better prepared than others, not to admit it would be dishonest, but it is possible, you can do it!"