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Λογότυπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής

Update on testing

EPSO does not expect to organise tests for this competition during the summer of 2024, but our objective is to organise them still this year. Testing dates will be communicated to candidates via their EPSO Account, and on this webpage, as soon as available. Thank you for your patience.

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Information for existing candidates of Economics, and Crisis management & Migration and internal security competitions

On 28 May 2024, EPSO will reopen the application period for the following competitions: Microeconomics/macroeconomics (Administrators) | EU Careers (europa.eu) Financial economics (Administrators) | EU Careers (europa.eu) Industrial economics (Administrators) | EU Careers (europa.eu) Crisis management (Administrators) | EU Careers (europa.eu) Migration and internal security (Administrators) | EU Careers (europa.eu) This is necessary because EPSO is moving towards a full 24 language regime for its selection procedures as of 2024 and the serious technical issues encountered during the online testing sessions in 2023. These issues led to a pause in testing for all competitions and the decision by EPSO’s Director, acting as the Appointing Authority, in line with the opinion of the Selection Board, to suspend this competition while EPSO started looking for alternative options for a better test delivery system. To ensure that all candidates are treated equally, the testing phase will be re-opened, requiring all candidates, including those who previously completed the tests, to undergo testing anew. Consequently, EPSO’s Director, acting as the Appointing Authority, in consultation with the competition’s Selection Board, decided that the different test events conducted in October 2023 are annulled. Candidates’ performance records and/or test scripts resulting from these test events will not undergo any processing, and no individual test results will be generated. Existing candidates must also be aware of the following main changes: All selection tests will be made available in 24 languages; Your previous choice of languages will be deleted; Candidates must choose 2 languages for their selection tests; The case study is replaced by a written test focusing on written communication skills assessed under a specific new set of anchors; The competition will also be open for new applicants. In view of the above, existing candidates must choose again their languages. Existing candidates will also be given the possibility of editing...

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Planned reopening of application period

EPSO is moving to a full 24-language regime in all open competitions. Therefore, as was already the case for the Transport and the ‘Nuclear energy’ competitions, the application periods for the Economics competition and for the Crisis management, Migration and internal security competition will also be reopened. More concrete information about what this will entail to existing candidates will be communicated to them as soon as confirmed, via their EPSO Account. As usual, once the amended notice of competition is published in the Official Journal of the EU, a dedicated landing page will also be published on EPSO’s website with all the relevant information.

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Competition update

We would like to inform candidates that testing will not resume before February 2024 at the earliest. We will update the competition webpage as soon as more information is available.

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EPSO – postponement of planned testing session to ensure adequate testing conditions (Crisis management, Migration and internal security competition)

EPSO had been planning a new testing session on 24 November 2023 for those candidates who had technical issues during the initial testing period. However, in agreement with the Selection Board of the competition in question, EPSO has decided to postpone this testing session in view of the fact that adequate testing conditions cannot currently be fully guaranteed as regards the online platform made available to EPSO by its external contractor. Candidates concerned by this decision will also be informed via their formal EPSO accounts. This affects the following fields under the competition: Crisis management (Administrators) and Migration and internal security (Administrators) We understand the inconvenience this situation may have caused. However, EPSO and the Selection Board wish to ensure that the best conditions possible are in place before resuming testing. EPSO will continue to liaise with the competition’s Selection Board about the next steps. More details regarding this competition’s next steps will be communicated by EPSO to all candidates in due time.

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EPSO – postponement of planned testing sessions to ensure adequate testing conditions (Economics competition)

EPSO was planning a new testing session for candidates of the Economics competition on 13 November 2023. In agreement with the Selection Board of the competition in question, EPSO decided to postpone this testing session in view of the fact that, currently, adequate testing conditions cannot be fully guaranteed as regards the online platform made available to EPSO by its external contractor. This affects the following fields under the competition: Microeconomics/macroeconomics (Administrators) Financial economics (Administrators) Industrial economics (Administrators) Candidates concerned by this decision will be informed also via their formal EPSO accounts. We understand the inconvenience caused by this decision to the candidates. However, EPSO and the Selection Board wish to ensure that the best conditions possible are in place before resuming testing. EPSO will also hold discussions with the Selection Boards of the competition for Administrators in the field of intellectual property and of the competition for Crisis management (Administrators) and Migration and internal security (Administrators). More news regarding those competitions will be published soon by EPSO.

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EPSO –rescheduling of retesting sessions with automated proctoring

As indicated in our previous communiqué EPSO is giving priority to retesting sessions for the Economics and Crisis management, migration and internal security competitions. However, some rescheduling was likely, including as regards CAST-P selection procedures. The reasons behind this are mainly logistical and are linked to the important number of candidates being given the opportunity to retest. We can now announce the following, with immediate effect: The retesting session for the Economics competition will take place on Monday, 13 November 2023, and not on Friday, 20 October 2023, as initially planned. Important: candidates already invited to attend the retesting session on 20 October 2023, will receive a cancellation e-mail from EPSO’s external contractor in due time. EPSO does not know exactly when this message will be sent out, but we can already confirm that the retesting session of 20 October 2023 is cancelled. The retesting session for the Crisis management, migration and internal security competition will take place on Friday, 24 November 2023 and not on 25 October 2023, as initially planned. The CAST-P ‘testing window’ will take place on 6 and 7 December 2023, and not on 29 and 30 November 2023, as initially planned. The CAST-P ‘testing window’ of 23 and 24 October 2023, remains the same. There are no changes to this planned ‘testing window’.

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'Crisis management, migration and internal security competition' – EPSO looking into some technical issues with automated proctoring

EPSO is currently running a competition for Administrators in the fields of crisis management, migration and internal security. Online testing using automated proctoring took place between 9 and 11 October 2023. EPSO has been working closely with its external contractor, Prometric, to improve the online testing experience for candidates. Many candidates have tested successfully. However, we are aware that there are still a number of candidates who have experienced technical difficulties preventing them from connecting to the test platform or reaching the helpdesk soon enough to restart their connection or to solve other technical issues. We are paying particular attention to those cases and working hand in hand with our contractor with a view to providing candidates in these specific situations with retesting opportunities. A retesting window is already planned for 25 October 2023. EPSO will communicate with the candidates in question via e-mail (sender: EPSO CONTACT). Please understand that EPSO will not be able to process requests or complaints lodged outside the foreseen deadline of three (3) calendar days.

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Μέλη της εξεταστικής επιτροπής

Σας υπενθυμίζουμε ότι οι εργασίες και οι συσκέψεις της εξεταστικής επιτροπής είναι απόρρητες. Οποιοσδήποτε δεν αποτελεί μέλος της απαγορεύεται να προσπαθήσει να επικοινωνήσει με μέλος της εξεταστικής επιτροπής. Μόνο οι υποψήφιοι που ασκούν το δικαίωμα προσφυγής μπορούν (μέσω της EPSO), εγγράφως και σύμφωνα με τις διαδικασίες που ορίζουν οι γενικές διατάξεις που ισχύουν για τους γενικούς διαγωνισμούς, να διατυπώσουν τις παρατηρήσεις τους στον πρόεδρο της εξεταστικής επιτροπής. Πρόεδρος Αναπληρωτής πρόεδρος Μέλη Αναπληρωματικά μέλη

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Information for candidates of the competition EPSO/AD/403/23 - Your Case study number

In line with the information in the invitation letter in your EPSO Account, please familiarise with the Case study 2 published at Case study test materials | EU Careers (europa.eu)

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Correction Notice: Eligibility criteria for competition EPSO/AD/403/23 in the areas of Crisis Management and Migration and Internal Security

We noticed that an error occurred in the Danish version of the Notice of Competition for Crisis Management and Migration and Internal Security, regarding the required educational qualifications for eligibility. Sections 3.3.1 (a) and 3.3.2 (a) in the Danish translation wrongly require the candidates to have a law degree to be eligible for the competition. The correct eligibility criteria for both Field 1 and Field 2 of the competition are as follows: Candidates must hold a university degree of at least 4 years, followed by a minimum of 6 years of relevant professional experience in the field they are applying for; or Candidates must hold a university degree of at least 3 years, followed by a minimum of 7 years of relevant professional experience in the field they are applying for. EPSO has taken immediate steps to address the issue, and a corrigendum will be issued to rectify the error in the Danish version of the Notice of Competition. The text is already available on the relevant competition web pages. The eligibility criteria in all other language versions of the Notice of Competition are accurate and remain unaltered. Please note that the deadline for applications for competition EPSO/AD/403/23 remains on 5 September, 12:00 (Brussels time). We recognize the significance of providing clear and accurate information and apologize for any confusion and inconvenience that might have been caused by this translation error.

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