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Писмени преводачи (AD)

Кандидатите, участващи в конкурса за писмени преводачи (AD), ще трябва да положат следните тестове:

  • Тестове за логическо мислене

За да бъдат оценени езиковите им умения, може да е необходимо те да положат един или повече от следните тестове за езикови познания:

  • тестове за разбиране на езика 


  • тестове по писмен превод


  • тест по редакция


  • Други видове тестове за езикови познания
Reasoning skills for AD

Reasoning skills tests:

Ready to go one step further? Then try our long version of verbal, numerical and abstract sample tests, also in a quiz format.  You can also consult an accessible version of these sample tests.


Language comprehension tests (AD)

The language comprehension test includes a series of 12 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), which are designed to assess your linguistic abilities in terms of vocabulary, grammar/syntax constructions and style. They are not in the field of a specific institution/agency/service. Each question is based on a scenario linked to four different answer options, only one of which is correct. Each question yields one point and wrong answers are not penalised. Candidates have 25 minutes in total at their disposal to answer to the 12 multiple-choice questions.  While the time factor is part of the assessment as well, the tests are designed in a way to allow candidates to possibly answer all questions within the allocated timeframe. Questions do not require additional knowledge and are only based on the information provided in the text.  

samples in 24 languages for AD

Translation tests
Revision test

This test consists in a revision of a text that has been translated from Language 2 into Language 1.

Revision test

Language knowledge tests

The language knowledge test is a multiple-choice test made up of 25 independent questions.

Each question comprises 4 options, out of which only one (A, B, C or D) is the correct answer.

Candidates have 25 minutes to finish the test. The questions may target any of the following competencies: grammar, vocabulary, idiomatic usage, spelling and punctuation.

Samples in: DA, DE, ES, EL, EN, FR, IT, MT, NL