Премини към основното съдържание
Лого на Европейската комисия
Picture of Petya

Petya-Gergana G., (Members' Service desk assistant, Directorate-General for Finance, European Parliament)

“I work at DG Finance, where I have the responsibility to directly assist Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) with their financial and social entitlements. I believe this experience harnesses strong professionalism, agility and a good team spirit thanks to the direct contact we have with the MEPs, their assistants and various administrative units. My job has proven to be very versatile and this is another reason why I appreciate it this much. As a financial officer I've learned that the challenges I face on a daily basis extend beyond figures and purely finance-specific topics, and require a wide range of soft skills, as well. This is often reflected for example in the high level of measurably positive feedback we get in relation to tasks, such as organizing and conducting tailor-made info-sessions for MEPs. I experienced the diversity and complexity of my work as very enriching, which made me grow and develop the right competencies in order to deliver efficient and straightforward assistance in the field of finance, in full compliance with the applicable legal framework.”