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Non-permanent contracts (other EU institutions bodies and agencies)

Below you can find job vacancies for temporary staff and contract agents in the EU institutions, bodies and agencies.
For the European Commission, please consult the Non-permanent contracts (European Commission).

Title Domain(s) Grade Institution/EU body Location(s) Publication date Deadline
Project Officer Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) Crisis management and Internal security (EDA) European Defence Agency Brussels (Belgium)
Secretary/Administrative agent External Relations FG II (EEAS) European External Action Service Brussels (Belgium)
DORA JET Lead - overseers for the Joint Oversight of the CTPPs by the three ESAs Cybersecurity AD 7 (EBA) European Banking Authority Paris (France)
Business Relationship Manager European Public Administration, Information Technology FG IV European Committee of the Regions Brussels (Belgium)
Regulatory Science and Digital Capability Development Specialist European Public Administration, Science and Research, Human Resources AD 6 (EMA) European Medicines Agency Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Financial Officer Budget, Finances and Contracts FG IV Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) Brussels (Belgium)
Head of Staffing Service Human Resources AD 9 (EUIPO) European Union Intellectual Property Office Alicante (Spain)
Head of Legislative Affairs Service Law AD 9 (EUIPO) European Union Intellectual Property Office Alicante (Spain)
Head of Financial Compliance Service Economics, Finance and Statistics AD 9 (EUIPO) European Union Intellectual Property Office Alicante (Spain)
Procurement and Contract management Officer European Public Administration FG IV Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU) Brussels (Belgium)