Traineeships in the EU institutions, bodies and agencies

Become an ‘EU trainee’!
A traineeship programme with the EU institutions, bodies and agencies will offer you:
a unique chance to get a taste of what an EU career is all about
an opportunity to enhance your professional skills
a great opportunity for personal growth
‘EU traineeships’ are available in a wide range of fields such as:
human resources
information and communication technologies
competition law
environmental policy
external relations
development policy
and many more!
Most traineeships usually last 5/6 months (some could be shorter/longer). ‘EU traineeships’ are paid (payment varies according to the host organisation).
In the drop-down menu below, you can search available traineeship opportunities by selecting different EU institutions, bodies and agencies.
Good luck!
Please note that the information available on this page is not exhaustive. Each EU institution, body and agency is responsible for managing their own traineeship selection and recruitment procedures.