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Non-permanent contracts (other EU institutions bodies and agencies)

Below you can find job vacancies for temporary staff and contract agents in the EU institutions, bodies and agencies.
For the European Commission, please consult the Non-permanent contracts (European Commission).

Title Domain(s) Grade Institution/EU body Location(s) Publication date Deadline
Researcher Science and Research FG IV (JRC) Joint Research Centre Brussels (Belgium), Geel (Belgium), Ispra (Italy), Karlsruhe (Germany), Petten (The Netherlands), Seville (Spain) no deadline for application
Seconded national expert (SNE) Cybersecurity (ENISA) European Union Agency for Cybersecurity Athens (Greece), Brussels (Belgium) no deadline for application
Seconded national expert (SNE) Economics, Finance and Statistics (EIOPA) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Frankfurt (Germany) no deadline for application
Seconded national expert (SNE) Science and Research (EFSA) European Food Safety Authority Parma (Italy)
Seconded national expert (SNE) European Public Administration (EBA) European Banking Authority Paris (France)