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Ongoing selection procedures

Here you can find updated information (timetables, related documents, etc.) about ongoing selection procedures managed by EPSO. 

Job title Reference number
Indirect taxation, including tax law EPSO/AD/422/25 - 2
Direct taxation, including tax law EPSO/AD/422/25 - 1
Maltese-language translators EPSO/AD/420/24
Dutch-language translators EPSO/AD/421/24
Italian-language translators EPSO/AD/419/24
French-language translators EPSO/AD/418/24
Spanish-language translators EPSO/AD/417/24
English-language translators EPSO/AD/416/24
Greek-language translators EPSO/AD/415/24
Danish-language translators EPSO/AD/414/24
ICT and (cyber)security EPSO/AD/413/24 - 3
Energy science and sustainability EPSO/AD/413/24 - 2
Transport science and sustainable mobility EPSO/AD/413/24 - 8
Behavioural science, economics, and education EPSO/AD/413/24 - 10
Social, economic, and political sciences EPSO/AD/413/24 - 9
Health and consumer protection EPSO/AD/413/24 - 7
Space applications and geo-information technologies EPSO/AD/413/24 - 6
Research and applications in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and complex systems EPSO/AD/413/24 - 5
Data analysis, research, and applications for evidence-based decision-making EPSO/AD/413/24 - 4
Environmental and climate sciences, engineering, and economics EPSO/AD/413/24 - 1
Assistants - Accounting and treasury EPSO/AST/156/24 - 2
Assistants - Public procurement EPSO/AST/156/24 - 3
Assistants - Financial management EPSO/AST/156/24 - 1
Macroeconomic statistics (Administrators) EPSO/AD/412/24 - 2
Data and statistics (Administrators) EPSO/AD/412/24 - 1
Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy EPSO/AD/411/23 - 2
Nuclear safeguards inspectors EPSO/AD/411/23 - 1
Slovak-language (SK) lawyer-linguists EPSO/AD/409/23
Portuguese-language (PT) lawyer-linguists EPSO/AD/408/23
Dutch-language (NL) lawyer-linguists EPSO/AD/407/23
Lithuanian-language (LT) lawyer-linguists EPSO/AD/406/23
Spanish-language (ES) lawyer-linguists EPSO/AD/405/23
English-language (EN) lawyer-linguists EPSO/AD/404/23
Migration and internal security (Administrators) EPSO/AD/403/23 - 2
Crisis management (Administrators) EPSO/AD/403/23 - 1
Administrators in the field of intellectual property EUIPO/AD/01/23
Industrial economics (Administrators) EPSO/AD/402/23 - 3
Financial economics (Administrators) EPSO/AD/402/23 - 2
Microeconomics/macroeconomics (Administrators) EPSO/AD/402/23 - 1
Displaying 1 - 39 of 39
Job title Reference number
Archivistics/Records Management (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/36/2024, EPSO/CAST/P/37/2024
IT security (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/34/2023, EPSO/CAST/P/35/2023
Information and document security (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/32/2023, EPSO/CAST/P/33/2023
Technical security (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/29/2023, EPSO/CAST/P/30/2023, EPSO/CAST/P/31/2023
Security operations (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/28/2023
Security operations, including regional security (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/26/2023, EPSO/CAST/P/27/2023
Building management (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/23/2022, EPSO/CAST/P/24/2022, EPSO/CAST/P/25/2022
Translators (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/22/2019
Proofreaders (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/21/2019
Educational Psychologists (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/20/2018
Child care staff (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/19/2018
Manual and administrative support workers (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/18/2017
Information and communication technology (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/16/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/17/2017
Law (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/14/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/15/2017
Political affairs / EU policies (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/12/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/13/2017
Communication (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/10/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/11/2017
Administration / Human resources (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/8/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/7/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/9/2017
Secretaries/Clerks (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/6/2017
Project/programme management (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/3/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/4/2017
Finance (CAST Permanent) EPSO/CAST, EPSO/CAST/P/1/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/2/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/5/2017