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European Committee of the Regions: Cicero Traineeships

Termín pro podání přihlášky
no deadline for application
Brusel (Belgie)

Instituce/ Agentura

Spring Session: 16 February to 15 July - Application period: 1 July to 30 September (noon/12:00, Brussels time) of the previous year
Autumn Session: 16 September to 15 February - Application period: 3 January to 3 April (noon/12:00, Brussels time) of the same year

As a CoR trainee, you will be witnessing first-hand the dynamics of a multilingual and multinational institution. Within a small group of trainees, you will not only be able to work across a wide range of EU policy aspects, but you will also have the unique possibility to create an event by yourself!

Thanks to the unique YFactor scheme, trainees are invited to carry out project work addressing issues that are relevant for European regions and cities. Whether you decide to work on a conference, a podcast, or an eBook – as a CoR trainee your creativity will be challenged and encouraged!

Who can apply: EU citizens.

Citizens from third countries (including the UK) can also apply, and may be selected in exceptional cases, notably if their candidature is of particular interest to the CoR and if they comply with the requirements under national immigration law for residing and working legally in Belgium.

University graduates who have obtained a full undergraduate academic degree, or have completed at least the third year of higher education (university or equivalent), by the closing date for applications.

Candidates with excellent knowledge of one of the EU's official languages and satisfactory knowledge of French or English.

Duration: 5 months

Paid: Yes. Around 1,400 € per month

Starting Dates: 16 February and 16 September