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Fabio, vodja enote

Fabio je vodja enote na direktoratu za človeške vire Evropskega parlamenta. Na institucijah je zaposlen od leta 2001. Fabio ima amputirano nogo.
Vprašali smo ga, ali potrebuje posebne prilagoditve na delovnem mestu.

„Ko ne morem uporabljati proteze, hodim z berglami, vendar takrat ne morem uporabljati rok. Ne uporabljam nič posebnega. Glede orodij IT je zame bolj praktičen iPad kot notesnik. Zaradi proteze imam bolečine v hrbtenici, zato je višina moje mize prilagojena. Imam rezervirano parkirno mesto. Teh prilagoditev ni bilo težko dobiti. Motorična invalidnost, kakršna je moja, je manj problematična kot marsikatera druga, saj zame ni ovir pri interakciji z drugimi.“

Fabio svetuje drugim kandidatom s posebnimi potrebami, ki se prijavljajo na delovna mesta v institucijah EU.

„Ne bojte se, temveč se soočite z novimi razmerami. Vendar ne mislite, da se bo vse uredilo samo po sebi in da bo Parlament poskrbel za vse. Nobena institucija na svetu ne more poskrbeti za vse. Priprave na novo okolje so zlasti pomembne za invalide. Invalidi vemo, da se je stvari treba lotiti drugače in se drugače tudi pripraviti.“

Picture of Daniela

Daniela T (European Commission, Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs)

Daniela is an official since 2000. She joined the EU and started working at Luxembourg, after 2 years she moved to Brussels and her career path transformed into a new way of serving the European Organizations. She started in DG INFSO, moved to DG AGRI and finally arrived at DG HOME. In 2005, she started to study transpersonal counseling and in 2010, she moved into another direction. She decided to support colleagues in the European institutions through coaching and systemic healing. She studied in different universities until she got the PCC ICF, professional coaching certificate and discussed her university thesis on master systemic constellation in Belgium.

Daniela keeps a systemic methodology when assisting her clients: she enhances strengths and weaknesses, to empower officials, staff and managers to face fears and improve their own style. Daniela is thriving when coaching, respecting and adapting to her clients' preferences; she keeps an eye on research to improve her understanding of people’s needs, reveal insights, and inspire innovative solutions in future management and leadership research.

She is professor at, a branch of Politecnico in Milan. Her program is about empowerment to enhance leadership and creative skills of students of Master Strategic design. Daniela Terrile | Master in Strategic Design

People inspire Daniela; she strongly believes that people have insights and internal resources to be effective and resilient. Coaching is not about the form or fixing a person; coaching is enhancing the potential, to gain the place in society, and become what people deserve and dream to be.

Since 2015, she created a concept “Coaching4all” to support colleagues and human beings in their personal and professional development. Her motto is “my SUCCESS is YOUR SUCCESS”.