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Gerald (European Economic and Social Committee)

Picture of Gerald

“I am working since 2008 for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), for the Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion. In 2016, I passed a specialised EPSO competition for financial economics, and became an appointed official. My fields of work are on financial and capital markets and the budget of the European Union, but also issues related to strategic foresight.

In my job I work closely with the members of the EESC, that represent organised civil society, and that feed with their expertise into the EU´s policy making process. I give input in the process of drawing up opinions, organise hearings and conferences, and write speeches. It is of paramount importance to stay up to date to policy developments. To this end, I liaise closely with colleagues from the European Commission, but also with Parliament, think tanks, and civil society interest groups. I enjoy working in a multicultural working environment, with highly competent and interesting colleagues in my unit and the organisation. My job gives me insight to a range of topical policy matters that fit with my educational background.”