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A Peek behind - A podcast serie by EU Careers

A peek behind EU Careers is the result of a pilot project by EPSO, with a view to bringing the career paths and lives of EU staff closer to the general public, and to all those interested in pursuing a career inside the EU civil service.

The interviews were conducted between July and December 2024 by Luís Loureiro de Amorim, Head of EPSO’s Outreach and External Relations unit.

The 6 episodes of the series were first published by EPSO in January 2025. The series was recorded in Brussels in the studios of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD).

episode 1 video cover

EPISODE 1: with Marcin Witkowski, internal
control standards evaluator at the European Parliament.

episode 2 cover

EPISODE 2: with Willy Kokolo from the European
Commission's Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Culture & Sport.

episode 3 cover

EPISODE 3: with Jack Kelly who organises the European
Youth Event (EYE) at the European Parliament.


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EPISODE 4: with Martine Diss who works at the
European Commission's Directorate-General
for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.

episode 5 cover

EPISODE 5: with Darinka Bunjevac Burgher who works 
              with internal communication in the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union.

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EPISODE 6: with Madalena Almeida Veiga who works in the
 Legal Service of the European External Action Service (EEAS).