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Update on the June 2024 CAST exam – a good outcome with the new test provider

On 14 June, EPSO organised its first large testing session with a new test provider. 2484 from 2863 registered candidates (87%) have successfully submitted their exam copies. 

EPSO received 82 so-called technical complaints within the deadline. The complaints related to the user-friendliness of certain technical features on the platform (mainly calculator, scratchpad and camera); virtually no blocking issues were reported. A previous issue with the timer was solved completely. 

This can be considered a good outcome and noteworthy improvement compared to the CAST testing events organised in 2023. 

EPSO is committed to seeking continuous improvement in the candidate experience in cooperation with the test provider. 

EPSO investigates each individual complaint and follows it up accordingly, including the offer of a new testing opportunity to candidates, when warranted.

(communiqué updated by EPSO on 28/07/2024, on the basis of its comprehensive statistical analysis)

Aktualizované datum
11/12/2024 - 18:16