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EPSO’s Lawyer-linguist competition - Legal qualifications delivered by Maltese and UK authorities & new application deadline

Picture of a woman with books and a laptop

About the competition: this competition is aimed at constituting a reserve list of English-language lawyer-linguists who have a perfect command of English (the language of their legal studies and/or qualifications), and an adequate knowledge of the national law, legal system and legal terminology in English of one of the English-speaking EU Member States or former Member States with an English-language legal system.

The needs of the recruiting service: to ensure that the needs of the recruiting service concerned are adequately met, the eligibility conditions of this competition must cover potential candidates with law degrees and/or qualifications from all the national legal systems fitting the criteria listed above.

In view of the above,  EPSO is happy to inform you that legal qualifications delivered by the Maltese authorities, as well as UK legal qualifications awarded until 31 December 2020, are also eligible for this competition, as regards English-language (EN) lawyer-linguists

The current notice of competition (EUR-Lex - C:2023:324A:TOC - EN - EUR-Lex (europa.eu)) will be duly amended and will be made available in the coming days on the competition’s dedicated webpage (see link above).

Important: in view of this amendment, the application deadline for this competition is now changed to 24 October 2023 at midday (12:00) Luxembourg time. This will give you more time to prepare your application, but, as always, do not wait until the last minute.

This change will also affect our operational calendar. The publication of the invitation letter for the booking period for tests will be sent out by EPSO only on 30 October. Booking will start already on 31 October. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Please check your EPSO account regularly in the coming days to stay informed.

Uppdaterat den
24/10/2023 - 16:21