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Logotip Evropske komisije

Update on testing

EPSO does not expect to organise tests for this competition during the summer of 2024, but our objective is to organise them still this year. Testing dates will be communicated to candidates via their EPSO Account, and on this webpage, as soon as available. Thank you for your patience.

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Ponovno odprtje natečaja za upravne uslužbence in uslužbenke na področju prometa

Ali imate izkušnje na področju prometa? Bi se radi podali na mednarodno poklicno pot v večkulturni in raznoliki ekipi? Če ste odgovorili pritrdilno, imate zdaj še eno priložnost, da se prijavite na natečaj za upravne uslužbence in uslužbenke na področju prometa. Prijave se zbirajo od 1. marca 2024 do 9. aprila 2024 do 12. ure (opoldne) po srednjeevropskem času. Več informacij je na voljo na tej strani.

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Competition update

The application period for the competition for Administrators in the field of transport closed on 5 December 2023. We would like to inform candidates that the tests will not take place before February 2024 at the earliest. We will update the competition webpage as soon as more information is available.

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Transport competition - deadline extended

EPSO identified an important translation mistake in the SK language version of the notice of competition for Administrators in the field of transport | EU Careers ( With a view to providing interested candidates with the best possible opportunity to apply, EPSO decided to extend the application period for this competition until 5 December 2023 at 12:00 (midday), Brussels time. This extension is applicable to all interested candidates. EPSO is correcting the mistake and will soon publish the accurate SK language version of the relevant provision of the notice of competition. In due course, the extension of the application deadline will also be formalised by publication of an amendment to the notice of competition in the Official Journal of the EU.

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New information on testing

Testing for this competition will take place in 2024, date to be announced.

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