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Antonio (Joint Research Centre)

Picture of Antonio

“Since 2021, I’ve worked as an economic analyst/modeller at the Fiscal Policy Analysis unit of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the scientific service of the European Commission. I lead the development and usage of models to analyse consumption taxes (incl. ‘green’ ones). My team provides scientific evidence to support Commission policies like the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the Review of the Energy Taxation Directive or the European Semester, the macroeconomic surveillance framework of member states, during which latest cycle, we assessed the measures supporting households against the 2022 inflation shock.

I joined the Commission in 2012 and studied the impact on jobs and the environment of global value chains, productivity, and the digital economy. I have provided scientific background for Commission official policy documents in Corporate Taxation, International Trade and Internal Market, Productivity, Energy or Emissions. I often represent the JRC in groups and task forces of the Commission, G20 and UN.

Before joining the Commission, I was a visiting researcher at Tilburg University (the Netherlands). When doing a European PhD in Economics, I worked for the Andalusian Regional Statistical Institute and the Spanish Trade and Economic Office (Embassy of Spain in Chile). I lectured Quantitative Methods for more than ten years at Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain), where I am Associate Professor on special leave to serve the Union.”