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Prakse ES iestādēs, struktūrās un aģentūrās

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Kļūstiet par praktikantu ES iestādēs!

Prakses programma ES iestādēs, aģentūrās un citās struktūrās jums piedāvā

  • vienreizēju iespēju gūt ieskatu, kāda ir karjera ES iestādēs,

  • iespēju pilnveidot profesionālās prasmes,

  • lielisku iespēju pilnveidoties kā personībai.

Kā praktikants ES iestādēs varat izmēģināt spēkus visdažādākajās nozarēs. Piemēram, šādās:

  • cilvēkresursi,

  • komunikācija,

  • informācijas un sakaru tehnoloģijas,

  • konkurences tiesības, 

  • vides politika,

  • ārējās attiecības,

  • attīstības politika

  • un vēl daudzās citās jomās!

Vairumā gadījumu prakses ilgums ir 5–6 mēneši (dažos gadījumos prakse var būt īsāka vai ilgāka). ES iestāžu un struktūru praktikanti saņem atalgojumu (tā apjoms atkarīgs no uzņemošās organizācijas).
Zemāk redzamajā nolaižamajā izvēlnē varat meklēt pieejamās prakses iespējas, atlasot ES iestādes, aģentūras un citas struktūras.
Lai veicas!

Ņemiet vērā, ka šajā lapā sniegtā informācija ir nepilnīga. Katra ES iestāde, struktūra un aģentūra pati pārvalda savas praktikantu atlases un darbā pieņemšanas procedūras. 

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Location(s): Parma (Itālija)
Institution/EU body(EFSA) Eiropas Pārtikas nekaitīguma iestāde

Are you a dynamic and proactive young professional looking for an enriching experience in a truly international working environment? Are you curious to explore a career path within an European Agency and contribute to protecting human life and health, taking account of animal health and welfare, plant health and the environment?

Then look no further and apply for a 12 month-traineeship at European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)! 

EFSA Traineeship Programme offers you a unique opportunity to join a team of professionals from all over the world working together in an international and multicultural environment on Science, Safe Food and Sustainability projects at the heart of European Food Safety activities.  

We are looking forward to welcoming motivated young talents from different academic and professional backgrounds (scientists, communication and legal professionals, IT experts, etc.).

From scientists to communication specialists and the colleagues supporting our daily work, everyone at EFSA has a role to play in achieving our mission to keep food safe in the EU.

EFSA Traineeship programme lasts for up to 12 months and offers you:

  • A unique professional experience as part of a team of scientists and business professionals from all over the world, working together on inspiring projects and various tasks in an international, multicultural, and friendly environment;
  • An opportunity to get a taste of what an EU career is all about for an extended period (12 months) and experience that can act as a springboard for a number of career paths;
  • Exposure to different areas and networks in EFSA, while developing personal and professional competencies;
  • A mentoring/advising relationship: as a trainee you will have an adviser who will be your main point of contact and will be responsible for the overall coordination of your traineeship;
  • A modern working environment with flexible working arrangements to help balance professional and personal lives: besides working in EFSA’s modern headquarter located in the heart of Parma, as an EFSA trainee you are also offered the possibility to telework up to 60% per week from the distance reachable to Parma within approximately 3 hours. Such conditions will allow you to enjoy working not only from home, but also from the Dolomite Mountains or the Ligurian Sea coast, etc.;
  • A monthly grant of €1,463.

More information: https://careers.efsa.europa.eu/

EUROFOUND - Traineeship Programme

Location(s): Dublina (Īrija)
Institution/EU body(EUROFOUND) Eiropas Dzīves un darba apstākļu uzlabošanas fonds

Eurofound’s post-graduate traineeship programme is addressed to recent university graduates, without excluding those who – in the framework of lifelong learning – have recently obtained their university qualification and are at the beginning of a new professional career.

9 trainee profiles are offered in 2024 – 7 for placement in Research:

Working life: Industrial relations; Working conditions and sustainable work;

Employment: European Restructuring Monitor databases; Change (anticipating & managing impact);

Social policies: Social cohesion & convergence; Living conditions & quality of life;

Research: Surveys;

as well as 2 profiles in the Information & Communication unit: Digital production and the

Human Resources team.

Applications are valid until end of 2024. Shortlisted candidates may be contacted for online interviews, throughout the year, according to business needs.


6-month traineeships are offered and can be extended up to a maximum of 12 months.


In the 2024 programme, Trainees are paid a monthly grant of approximately €1,922.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for a graduate traineeship, you must:

  • Be a national of a Member State of the EU.
  • have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, of which one should be English - the working language of Eurofound.
  • Have recently obtained a university degree.

Trainees do not benefit from sickness insurance. Before the start of your traineeship, you must prove you are covered by a sickness and accident insurance.

Traineeships are not offered to applicants who have already been a trainee or an employee in a European institution or body, for more than six weeks.

More information: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/en/vacancies

Traineeships – Gender Equality (Research & Policy Support Unit)

Location(s): Viļņa (Lietuva)
Institution/EU body(EIGE) Eiropas Dzimumu līdztiesības institūts

The European Institute for Gender Equality announces traineeship opportunities lasting six months for graduates who are either nationals of an EU Member State or an EFTA country or an IPA qualifying country. The traineeships are based at the Agency's premises in Vilnius, Lithuania.

EIGE is a decentralised agency of the European Union (EU) entrusted with specific objectives envisaged to contribute to, and strengthen, the promotion of gender equality.

It collects and analyses comparable and reliable information at EU level and develops appropriate methodological tools for the integration of gender equality into all EU policies.

The traineeships aim principally to:

  • provide on the job training experience in key areas of the EIGE's work;
  • extend and apply knowledge acquired in the course of studies or working life;
  • provide practical working knowledge of EU agencies and institutions;
  • enable trainees to acquire work experience in an EU agency context.

The Agency is an equal opportunity employer and accepts applications without distinction on any grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language religion or belief, political (or any other) opinion, gender identity, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Traineeship description

Reporting to a supervisor, the trainee provides assistance and support to ensure the smooth functioning of a particular area of work.  The trainee is provided with relevant work experience in the context of an EU agency as part of one of the following teams.

Gender Mainstreaming

The selected trainee can expect to carry out duties from the following:

  • Contribute to research, data analysis and drafting reports on various aspects of gender equality and gender mainstreaming in EU priority areas, e.g. European green deal or Institutional mechanisms for gender equality;
  • Contribute to the development of evidence-based practical tools to mainstream gender in selected EU priority areas or policy processes, e.g. European green deal or pay transparency, and provision of technical assistance to EU institutions and the Member States;
  • Contribute to the design and implementation of assigned statistical activities and projects, including statistical data collections, development of gender indicators and gender analysis, in the context of the Gender Statistics Database;
  • Support in the maintenance, alignment and update of the Gender Statistics Database and / or the Gender Mainstreaming Platform by assisting in the development of methodological, technical, and quality reports;
  • Contribute to dissemination activities by supporting the production of content, such as social media, website, fact sheets, infographics, data talks and presentations;
  • Support in managing relations with stakeholders, including the organisation of thematic meetings, and with project management and procurement procedures.

More information: https://eige.europa.eu/about/recruitment/eige-2024-tr-rps-02

Traineeships - CDT

Location(s): Luksemburga (Luksemburga)
Institution/EU body(CDT) Eiropas Savienības iestāžu Tulkošanas centrs

There are 4 graduate traineeship opportunities in fields such as Translation, Advanced Language Solutions and Human Resources.

Who can apply: University graduates who are nationals of a Member State of the EU

Duration: 6-12 months

Paid: Yes. Around 1.500€ per month

Starting Dates: May – June

More information: https://cdt.europa.eu/en/cdt-tr-2024-traineeship

Traineeships - CAJU

Location(s): Brisele (Beļģija)
Institution/EU bodyKopuzņēmums “Tīra aviācija”

Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is looking for candidates to join the Project Management Unit as trainee (6-month). The start date of the traineeship will be 1st March 2024.

Clean Aviation JU is located in Brussels and this position requires presence in the office.

The ideal candidate will:

  • Be national of one of the Member States of the EU and enjoy full rights as citizens.
  • Have a level of post-secondary education attested by a diploma.
  • Have a very good command of written and spoken English.
  • Demonstrate a good knowledge of Windows tools such as Word, Power Point, Excel, web based systems.

Candidates must provide copies of the diplomas or other relevant certificates.

More information: https://www.clean-aviation.eu/about-us/who-we-are/organisation/team-and-vacanci…

Traineeships - EIT

Location(s): Brisele (Beļģija), Budapešta (Ungārija)
Institution/EU body(EIT) Eiropas Inovāciju un tehnoloģiju institūts

The EIT is now launching a call for application for its traineeship programme for a period of six months for an intake at the beginning of 2024. The trainee will support the daily operations of the Directorate & Administration as well as the Innovation, Education & Communication and the Knowledge and Innovation Communities Departments.

The place of employment will be Budapest, Hungary, where the EIT Headquarters are located. For the case of the Communication & Engagement Unit, there is a possibility for one of the trainees to be assigned to work from the EIT Liaison Office in Brussels, Belgium.

More information: https://eit.europa.eu/work-with-us/careers/vacancies/traineeship-call-applicati…

Traineeships - CBE JU

Location(s): Brisele (Beļģija)
Institution/EU bodyKopuzņēmums “Apritīga biobāzēta Eiropa” (kopuzņēmums CBE)

Who we are?

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe.

The role of CBE JU is to bring together various actors from bio-based industries, ranging from farmers to scientists, to solve the technological, regulatory and market challenges of the sector. Its public-private funding scheme boosts innovation and market deployment and paves the way for future investments.

Traineeship programme

The CBE JU operates a traineeship programme. The programme gives trainees an understanding of the CBE JU and its role within the activities of the European Union, enables them to acquire practical knowledge of the CBE JU and obtain professional experience in the course of their work.

The CBE JU wishes to host two trainees to support the Programme Unit and two trainees to support the Communications Team.

Who can apply?

  • Nationals of a Member State of the European Union
  • Applicants must have a university degree or its equivalent by the closing date for applications (attested by a diploma/other relevant certificate)
  • Applicants must not have already benefited or benefit from any kind of in-service training within a European institution or body, nor have had or have any kind of employment within a European institution or body

Traineeship periods: from February to July 2024 and from September 2024 to February 2025

Paid: Yes. The CBE JU pays a monthly grant of EUR 1.363,25 net per month and will pay a travel allowance to compensate the expenses incurred at the beginning and at the end of the traineeship from the place of residence.

More information: https://www.cbe.europa.eu/vacancies

Traineeships - SatCen

Location(s): Torrehona de Ardosa (Spānija)
Institution/EU body(SatCen) Eiropas Savienības Satelītcentrs
More information: https://www.satcen.europa.eu/recruitment/jobs

Traineeships - ECDC

Location(s): Stokholma (Zviedrija)
Institution/EU body(ECDC) Eiropas Slimību profilakses un kontroles centrs

The purpose of the programme is to provide trainees with an understanding of the Centre and its role within the activities of the European Union while also providing an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and professional experience.

Who can apply: Nationals of a Member State of the EU, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, who have completed their studies and been awarded a full university degree

Duration: 5-9 months

Paid: Yes. Around 1,900 € per month

Starting Dates: Between February and April 2025

More information: https://ecdc.europa.eu/en/about-us/work-us/traineeships

Eiropas Savienības Padome – Pozitīvas rīcības programma stažieriem ar invaliditāti

Location(s): Brisele (Beļģija)
Institution/EU bodyEiropas Savienības Padome

Eiropas Savienības Padomes Ģenerālsekretariāts ik gadu dažādās jomās piedāvā 4–6 apmaksātas prakses vietas, kas paredzētas stažieriem ar invaliditāti.

Kas var pieteikties: šī stažēšanās ir paredzēta augstskolu absolventiem un trešā, ceturtā vai piektā kursa studentiem ar atzītu invaliditāti. 

Ilgums: 5 mēneši.

Vai tiek maksāts: jā. 2065,32 eiro (neto) mēnesī, kā arī tiek kompensēti ceļa izdevumi un iedota atlaižu karte Padomes ēdnīcai. Stažieri ar invaliditāti, iesniedzot pienācīgu pamatojumu, var saņemt papildu summu līdz pat 50 % apmērā no prakses stipendijas.

Sākuma datums:

  • 16. februāris (pieteikumu iesniegšanas periods apmēram augustā/septembrī — precīzus datumus noskaidrojiet šajā laikā).
  • 1. septembris (pieteikumu iesniegšanas periods apmēram februārī/martā — galīgos datumus noskaidrojiet tad).

Uzziniet, ko par savu pieredzi stāsta praktikanti, kuri jau piedalījušies šajā rīcības programmā!

More information: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/jobs/traineeships/positi…