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Kuinka voin muuttaa henkilötietojani EPSO-tililläni?

Question categories:

Click on “Personal data” at the left of the your EPSO account and follow the instructions to edit your personal information.

To change your family name (surname) / family name (surname) at birth / first name / gender/ date of birth / citizenship, send us a short summary of your request and a copy of an official document justifying the change (copy of your passport, national identity card, legal decision etc.) by email to EPSO-PERS-DATA@ec.europa.eu. Once your request has been accepted by EPSO, the change will be visible in your EPSO Account. Please note that any request to change personal details may be denied if no proof is provided within five days.

Please note that acceptance of this change will take several days so please do not create another identical request. Do not wait until the change(s) is/are validated, but go ahead with your application/test booking etc.

Note that you can’t change information in your validated application, but personal data changes are taken into account for your validated applications.