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Marko Šamšalović, Head of Sector - Service Management

"In 2014, I joined the European Commission as a team leader in the IT department of the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD). In that role, I led a team of four great colleagues with whom I managed seven trans-European customs projects.

It was very gratifying to see the systems we had developed being used throughout the European Union and beyond. I was also very happy to participate in various customs-related negotiations between the EU and non-EU countries, including Serbia, Montenegro, China, Russia and Japan.

Since 2019, I have been the head of the service management sector in the Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT). My job is to lead a team of over 65 professionals who provide support to users of the European Commission’s corporate systems.  

I like working in DIGIT very much because I have wonderful and professional colleagues who are always ready to help me as well as others, if needed.  They are so good at what they do that there is no problem they cannot solve. My sector’s team leaders are both good managers and experienced IT professionals and make it easy for me to coordinate complex assignments."

Head of Sector – Service Management, Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT), Solutions for Legislation, Policy & HR, European Commission