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Helen (Lawyer-linguist - Court of Justice of the EU)

Picture of Helen

“I joined the English translation unit at the Court of Justice after completing a degree in French and Czech, followed by a law conversion course and then the LPC. I was keen to use my language skills and was interested in legal drafting, so the job appealed to me from the outset.

However, while legal writing skills are an important part of our work, the role of a lawyer-linguist involves much more than translation. We are called on to liaise with members of the Judges’ chambers on the precise meaning and nuances to be given to a finished translation and in my time here I have been involved in terminology work, mentoring and recruitment. I have followed a wide range of training courses, covering the latest information technology tools, European and comparative law and personal development. We are also encouraged to acquire additional languages, in my case Spanish and Polish.

In my view, a career as an EU lawyer-linguist is stimulating and rewarding for anyone who enjoys word-play and problem solving. It is also fascinating to work at the forefront of the latest developments in EU law.”