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Members of the selection board

You are reminded that the work and deliberations of all selection boards are confidential and it is forbidden for any person who is not a member of the board to make any attempt to contact a board member; only candidates exercising the rights of appeal which are open to them may (through EPSO), in writing and in accordance with the procedures set out in the General Rules governing open competitions, make their representations to the Chairperson of the selection board.


Spillane, Ciaran

Alternate chairperson

Murphy, Paul


Lemaire, Laurent             

De Boom, Patrick            

Widdershoven, Vincent               

Van Vliet, Ekke 

Martinez Cuesta, Luis    

Kleinsasser, Christine

Thenner, Birgitt               

Csordas, Annamaria       

Vieilledent-Monfort, Catherine

Annand, Hugh  

Debois, Jean-Grégoire  

Martins Dias Da Silva, Albano

Alternate members

Tyszkiewicz, Zbigniew   

Demarche, Xavier           

Feyer, Lavinia-Ciresica  

Roest, Jan          

Tsonakas, Leonidas

Stendera-Bzdela, Paulina


Last modified
28/11/2018 - 13:20