Jeg har problemer med min ansøgningsformular. Hvad skal jeg gøre?
EPSO’s systems support the most commonly used Internet browsers. If you encounter issues, please consider changing the browser first before contacting us.
The use of mobile devices to fill in the application form is not recommended.
Avoid using the ‘forward’ or ‘back’ browser buttons to move through the application form and when moving between different application forms in your EPSO account (for example to access data from your previous applications) but use the on-screen buttons instead (Back to account).
You should only copy/paste from a pure text file (.txt), using a simple word processor (e.g. NotePad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac OS X) to avoid inserting unnecessary spaces or incompatible characters.
If you cannot validate your application, you should check the “Overview” tab of your application. Information that appears in red is either missing or in error.
In case of persistent problems, you should contact EPSO’s Candidate Contact Service immediately and in any case well before the deadline as we cannot guarantee a reply if your question is sent less than 5 days before the deadline. Please note that applications that are not submitted by the deadline cannot be taken into consideration.