List of universities hosting EU Careers Ambassadors this academic year.
The list of universities follows a suggestion of the Member States. At the same time EPSO reserves the right to modify it.
Please check this page regularly.
List of universities hosting EU Careers Ambassadors this academic year.
The list of universities follows a suggestion of the Member States. At the same time EPSO reserves the right to modify it.
Please check this page regularly.
Masaryk University, Brno / Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Charles University / Univerzita Karlova
Prague University of Economics and Business/ Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
University College Prague / University College Prague
Palacky University / Univerzita Palackého
Westbohemian University / Západočeská univerzita
University of Ostrava / Ostravská univerzita
European Research University / Evropská výzkumná univerzita
Jan Evangelista Purkyne University / Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně
Technical University of Liberec / Technická univerzita Liberec