List of universities hosting EU Careers Ambassadors this academic year.
The list of universities follows a suggestion of the Member States. At the same time EPSO reserves the right to modify it.
Please check this page regularly.
List of universities hosting EU Careers Ambassadors this academic year.
The list of universities follows a suggestion of the Member States. At the same time EPSO reserves the right to modify it.
Please check this page regularly.
Technical University of Crete
University of Thessaly
Νational and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University of West Attica
Democritus University of Thrace
International Hellenic University
University of Macedonia
Patriarchal University Ecclesiastical Academy of Crete
National Technical University of Athens
University Of Western Macedonia
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Technical University of Crete
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
Hellenic Open University
Harokopio University of Athens
University of West Attica
Democritus University of Thrace
University of Thessaly