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Traineeships - CAJU

2024. 01. 31. – 23:59 (brüsszeli idő szerint)
Munkavégzés helye(i): 
Brüsszel (Belgium)

Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is looking for candidates to join the Project Management Unit as trainee (6-month). The start date of the traineeship will be 1st March 2024.

Clean Aviation JU is located in Brussels and this position requires presence in the office.

The ideal candidate will:

  • Be national of one of the Member States of the EU and enjoy full rights as citizens.
  • Have a level of post-secondary education attested by a diploma.
  • Have a very good command of written and spoken English.
  • Demonstrate a good knowledge of Windows tools such as Word, Power Point, Excel, web based systems.

Candidates must provide copies of the diplomas or other relevant certificates.