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Lucile C., Press and Media Officer

picture of Lucile

I joined the European Commission’s department for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) financial stability and financial services in 2019. I first worked on digital and sustainable finance policies before joining the press team. We promote our policies to the press, stakeholders and the wider public in close cooperation with policy units, the Spokesperson service and the Commissioner’s Cabinet.

My duties are to design, plan and deliver communication activities on retail and digital finance, such as press releases, events and campaigns, speaking points, press reviews, or content for our monthly newsletter and social media. I am also in charge of coordinating Eurobarometer surveys, i.e. opinion polls directed at EU citizens, on financial services on for the department. Finally, I am DG FISMA’s internal communication correspondent: I promote staff engagement by relaying important news, organising all-staff meetings, and managing our very own “FISMA TV”!

I have a background in public policy, law and economics and hold a Master in European Affairs. I previously gained experience on European political and economic issues in the French civil service and Senate, Commission representation in the UK, Commission competition department, and in a public affairs consultancy.