Inês G., Officer responsible for communication and events

I’m responsible for coordinating the organisation of the European Youth Event (EYE). The EYE brings together thousands of young people at the European Parliament in Strasbourg to shape and share their ideas on the future of Europe.
I very much enjoy what I do: my daily tasks are quite varied and I find it rewarding to work with and for young people from the European Union and beyond.
In my role, I coordinate the different teams responsible for the programme, external communication and logistics of the event. I also liaise with the different external parties involved in such a large-scale event to make sure everything comes together smoothly.
I have a background in communication and languages. After my Bachelor’s degree in Communication studies in Lisbon, my hometown, I took a Master's in Cultural and Creative Industries at King's College in London.
After a variety of work experiences - mostly working as a freelancer and in the private sector - I joined the European Parliament in 2013. I started working as a translator in Luxembourg, then moved to Brussels to work in internal communication in the field of IT, before taking up my current position in communication and events at the European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Communication.