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The European Parliament is looking for ICT Experts

apply to be an it expert

The European Parliament has recently published two Calls for Expression of Interest for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Officers (Contract Agents – Function Group III) and ICT Experts (Contract Agent – Function Group IV). 
They are looking to recruit these positions in Luxembourg, Strasbourg, and Brussels. You can learn more by visiting the European Parliament’s LinkedIn Job Slots page. 

You can learn more about Function Groups III and IV on EPSO’s website: EU staff categories | EU Careers (

To be eligible you should:

  • Be a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union;
  • Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by national laws concerning military service;
  • Produce the appropriate character references as to your suitability for the performance of the duties.

How to apply ?

  • Read the Guide for candidates before completing your application.
  • Apply via the Apply4EP Platform (European Parliament  application website)

More information about the eligibility criteria and the selection procedure is available on the Apply4EP Platform.

Don't miss the chance to apply for this unique opportunity!

Deadline: 30 June 2025 at 17:00 (Luxembourg time)