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Reserve lists - Linguistic Assistants

The lists for the competition "Linguistic Assistants" (EPSO/AST/152/22) have been published on our website: Linguistic Assistants - Estonian (ET) Linguistic Assistants - Croatian (HR) Linguistic Assistants - Italian (IT) Linguistic Assistants - Dutch (NL) Linguistic Assistants - Polish (PL) Linguistic Assistants - Portuguese (PT) Information about recruiting institutions and quotas can be found on each list’s page.

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Competition for linguistic assistants EPSO/AST/152/22 - test on finalisation of a text of 28 September

As announced in our message posted on our website in May, we are happy to confirm that the test on finalisation of a text will take place on 28 September 2023. The invitations were published earlier this month in the EPSO Accounts. Candidates must book for the test before tomorrow 19 September 12:00 (midday) Brussels time. For help with your booking, please contact our contractor Prometric.

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Information to candidates of the AST/152/22 competition - test on finalisation of a text

Due to delayed IT developments linked to the test on finalisation of a text, the exact exam date(s) cannot be communicated at this stage, but we can already inform you that exams will not take place before September 2023. Final and confirmed information/planning will be published on this site and communicated in due time via the invitations sent to the candidates’ EPSO accounts. Please make sure that you regularly check your EPSO account.

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Members of the selection board

You are reminded that the work and deliberations of all selection boards are confidential and it is forbidden for any person who is not a member of the board to make any attempt to contact a board member; only candidates exercising the rights of appeal which are open to them may (through EPSO), in writing and in accordance with the procedures set out in the General Rules governing open competitions, make their representations to the Chairperson of the selection board. Chairperson Alternate chairperson Members Alternate members

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