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Arbeidscontractanten / CAST Permanent

Op deze pagina vindt u enkele voorbeelden van tests die kunnen worden gebruikt in de selectieprocedures voor arbeidscontractanten / CAST Permanent.

Alle tests vinden online plaats, met toezicht op afstand. In deze informatienota leest u meer over de vereisten waaraan uw computer moet voldoen.

Reasoning skills for AST

Reasoning skills tests:

Ready to go one step further? Then try our long version of verbal, numerical and abstract sample tests, also in a quiz format.  You can also consult an accessible version of these sample tests.

Please note that currently, these sample tests are only available in EN, FR and DE. Learn more about EPSO’s current work on this topic here.


Competency test for each profile

Pending adjustments in the testing system, EPSO will be responsible only for organising the reasoning tests, but not for the competency tests. The recruiting services of the EU institutions will adapt the selection procedure of Contract Agents accordingly, and keep their relevant services informed of the applicable procedure.