Sveikatos ir maisto saugos srities audito, tikrinimo ir vertinimo administratoriai
Please note that this information is indicative. EPSO regularly publishes updates.
The number of candidates admitted to the main stages of the competition, as published here, is approximate.
Indicative dates for the testing sessions will be published in this dedicated section as soon as they are confirmed.
All tests will be done through remotely proctored testing.
Please note that the order in which the tests are administered may differ from the order in which they are listed in the competition notice.
Final and confirmed information, including planning details, will be communicated exclusively via letters and messages in the candidates' accounts.
The invitation letter for your tests will be published on your account two weeks before the test date at the latest.
Competition stage | Period/State | Start time | Number of candidates | Minimum score |
Tinkamumo patikra | 12/2021 (indicative) | |||
Atranka pagal kvalifikaciją („Talent Screener“) | 12/2021 (indicative) | |||
Kompiuterinių testų (su atsakymų variantais) laiko rezervavimas | 01/04/2022 - 07/04/2022 | |||
Atvejo tyrimas: užsirašymo spręsti testus laikotarpis | 13/04/2022 - 21/04/2022 | |||
Kompiuteriniai testai su keliais atsakymų variantais, rengiami testų laikymo centruose ir nuotoliniu būdu – testų laikymo laikotarpis | 27/04/2022 - 29/04/2022 | |||
Atvejo tyrimas testavimo centruose ir nuotoliniu būdu. Tyrimo laikotarpis | 05/05/2022 | |||
Nuotolinis vertinimo centras | beginning 5/2022 - mid 6/2022 (indicative) |
Svarbūs dokumentai
Susijusios naujienos
Paraiškų skaičius
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