Autres contrats
Below you can find the several other categories of staff, employed to carry out manual, technical and other specific tasks at the EU institutions on a temporary basis.
Interim staff are employed by temping agencies to cover a variety of manual, technical and other specific roles.
They are not EU staff members.
Below the agencies to contact if you want to work as interim.
Agencies in Brussels
Rue des Princes 8-10
1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 643 4790
Start People
Rue Royal, 153
1210 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 212 1920
Galerie de la porte Louise 203/5
1050 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 513 14 14
Agencies in Luxembourg
5, Rue des primeurs
L-2361 Strassen
ADECCO Luxembourg S.A.
5, Rue des Mérovingiens
L-8070 Bertrange
Experts in an EU policy field can register their credentials into an experts' database maintained by an EU institution or agency.
Registered experts may then be recruited for specific tasks, as needed.
Learn how you can become an EU Commission expert.
You can also check the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS).
Parliamentary assistants work directly with Members of the European Parliament and assist them in their work by performing a large number of tasks. The positions are based in Brussels, Strasbourg or Luxembourg.
See the European Parliament's website for more information.
You may also check the EU Parliament political groups' websites for information about their own recruitment procedures.
A freelance career at the EU institutions is available to translators and interpreters.
To become a freelance translator:
- for the European Commission, please consult the notices of call for tenders.
- for the Court of Justice, please consult the contract notices.
To become a freelance interpreter at the European Commission, the European Parliament or the European Court of Justice, please learn more on Interpreting for Europe.
Maintenance workers and canteen staff are recruited via external contracting companies.
The contracts are awarded through open tender procedures.
You can learn more in the EU funding and tenders page. You maybe find some of these positions on EPSO’s job vacancies page.