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Logotipo de la Comisión Europea

Períodos de prácticas

Fecha límite
12/07/2024 - 11:59 (Hora local de Bruselas)
La Haya (Países Bajos)

There are approximatively 14 traineeship opportunities per year in the different legal and administrative fields relevant for the Agency such as: casework, GEN/JITs/EJN network secretariat, data management, communications, corporate affairs, financial, human resources, events organisation, IT and administrative law.

Who can apply: University graduates who are nationals of a Member State or candidate countries. Candidates should have a good knowledge of English (minimum B2 level) as the working language of Eurojust.

Duration: 5 months

Paid: Yes. Approximatively 1 200€ per month

Starting dates: March and October