Próximos procesos de selección
EPSO is pleased to announce that it is planning to publish two more competitions this year.
- On 5 November 2024
Scientific research administrators (AD 7) in the following fields:
- Environmental and climate sciences, engineering, and economics
- Energy science and sustainability
- ICT and (cyber)security
- Data analysis, research, and applications for evidence-based decision-making
- Research and applications in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and complex systems
- Space applications and geo-information technologies
- Health and consumer protection
- Transport science and sustainable mobility
- Social, economic, and political sciences
- Behavioural science, economics, and education
- On 3 December 2024:
Translators (AD5) for the following languages: (DK) Danish, (EL) Greek, (EN) English, (ES) Spanish, (FR) French, (IT) Italian, (MT) Maltese, (NL) Dutch
Upon publication of these competitions in the Official Journal of the EU, dedicated webpages will be published by EPSO on its website, with detailed information on how to apply. Stay tuned!
Other opportunities to join EU Careers
We also invite you to visit our webpage on Contract Staff (CAST Permanent) selection procedures to learn about upcoming testing dates. Please note that the full 24-language regime does not apply to CAST selection procedures the same way it applies to open competitions where candidates choose ‘Language 1’ and ‘Language 2’ for their tests. Under CAST, candidates could always choose to sit the verbal and numerical tests in any of the 24 EU official languages. In this case, only one language among the 24 EU official languages may be chosen for those tests.
You may also wish to visit our webpage Job vacancies where you can consult a selection of EU job opportunities.
You can learn more about EPSO’s simpler, leaner and more accessible competition model on our website. We would also like to invite you to read our new page on ‘Dos & Don’ts’ for EPSO Testing