Antonio Friz

Tony’s professional career started in the private sector with four years in London, UK, followed by another four years in Arnhem, NL, working in the information management and retrieval industry. He then moved on to the public sector, joining the IT department of the European Commission’s ‘DG AGRI’ back in 1992, where he was entrusted with a portfolio of IT systems supporting the Common Agricultural Policy, and the assessment of Member States’ readiness with bovine tracking while the BSE (mad cow) disease was raging. After eight years at ‘DG AGRI’, Tony moved to the European Commission’s ‘DG HR’, joining their Recruitment service. This unit later merged into what is now the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), where Tony wore multiple hats related to resource management, especially in the IT area. Today, he leads proudly the Corporate services unit at EPSO, ensuring a robust back-office for the office’s critical activity. Outside of work Tony is a family man, married with four children and proud of his four grandchildren.