Aleks, gestora financiera

“I am Aleks (she/her), and I work as a Financial Officer at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Budget (DG BUDG). My main responsibilities are in the areas of EU Green Bond financing and Asset Management Coordination. I’m also a member of the Commission’s Task Force on Equality.
Colleagues in my unit, including the Head of Unit, who were the first to be aware of my gender identity, were very supportive and understanding of my transition. Eventually, when the whole directorate became aware of my identity, I can confidently say that I have not had a single bad experience but rather found support and ‘kind curiosity’. I also prepared some materials on transgender issues with senior management, an initiative that was very well accepted by all. Transgender people can find a safe working environment in DG BUDG. Challenges remain, of course, especially when it comes to recognition and digital administrative systems, but positive changes are coming and I am happy to see and be part of various internal task forces and groups working on how to further improve current systems.
There’s a long path ahead but we are on the right course. I believe transgender people will be warmly welcomed in any team in the Commission.”