Listas de selección de agentes contractuales
Last update: 17/12/2024
On this page, you can find updated information concerning all active or closed contract agents selections lists.
Some of these lists may be further extended in the future.
All CAST PERMANENT lists are open-ended (EPSO/CAST/P/1-18/2017, EPSO/CAST/P/19-20/2018, EPSO/CAST/P/21-22/2019, EPSO/CAST/P/23-25/2022, EPSO/CAST/P/26-35/2023, EPSO/CAST/P/36-37/2024).
The following lists are valid until 31/12/2025:
- EPSO/CAST/SECR/2008 - CAST Secretary 2008
- EPSO/CAST/02/2010 - Secretaries (Phase 1)
- EPSO/CAST/02/2010 - Secretaries (Phase 2)
- EPSO/CAST/S/1/2011 - Translators
- EPSO/CAST/S/11/2015 - Building managers
- EPSO/CAST/S/5/2013 - Researchers
- EPSO/CAST/S/7/2013 - ICT Security
- EPSO/CAST/S/12/2015 - Security / GFIII / Regional Security Advisers / EEAS only
- EPSO/CAST27/1/07 / CA / Transport / GFI / Driver
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Human Resources / GFII / Clerical Assistant
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Secretaries and clerks / GFII / Secretary
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Communication / GFIII / Communications officer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Culture / GFIII
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIII / Development/Cooperation officer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Finance / GFIII / Finance/Accounts officer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Health / GFIII / Medical nurse
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Human Resources / GFIII / Human resources officer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Information and Communication Technology / GFIII / Officer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Security / GFIII / Security Officer
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Building / GFIV / Architect
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Communication / GFIV
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Culture / GFIV / Information specialist (Library/Documentation)
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIV / Dev./Coop. adviser - Econ., Priv. Sector Trade Dev
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIV / Dev./Coop. adviser - Geograph Coordin and Progr Mngt
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIV / Dev./Coop. adviser - Good Governance and Sec.
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIV / Dev./Coop. adviser - Infrastructures
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIV / Dev./Coop. adviser - Rural Dev. Food Sec. and Env.
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIV / Dev./Coop. adviser - Social and cultural issues
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Health / GFIV / Medical doctor
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Human Resources / GFIV / Public Administration/Human Resources adviser
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Information and Communication Technology / GFIV / Adviser
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Translation / GFIV / Translator
- EPSO/CAST27/5/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIII / Relex Fin./Contracts/Audit Officer
- EPSO/CAST27/5/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIII / Relex ICT Officer
- EPSO/CAST27/5/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIII / Relex Operations Officer
- EPSO/CAST27/5/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIII / Relex Regional Security Officer
- EPSO/CAST27/6/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIV
The following lists have been closed:
- EPSO/CAST/25/05 - CAST 25 - closing date: 30/06/2022
- EPSO/CAST/01/2010 - Childcare - closing date: 30/06/2022
- EPSO/CAST/S/6/2013 - Educational Psychologists - closing date: 30/06/2022
- EPSO/CAST/CRO/2009 - CAST Croatia - closing date: 30/06/2022
- EP/CAST/S/9/2014 - European Administration (Parliamentary Research Administrator - EP ONLY) - closing date: 30/06/2022
- EP/CAST/S/14/2015 - Security GFI (European Parliament only) - closing date: 30/06/2019
- EP/CAST/S/16/2016 - Drivers GFI (EP only) - closing date: 27/03/2019
- EPSO/CAST/S/12/2015 - Security / GFIV / Regional Security Advisers / EEAS only - closing date: 31/12/2022
- EPSO/CAST/S/2/2012 - Childcare - closing date: 31/12/2024
- EPSO/CAST/S/3/2012 - Building management - closing date: 31/12/2024
- EPSO/CAST/S/8/2014 - Drivers - closing date: 31/12/2024
- EPSO/CAST/S/13/2015 - Childcare - closing date: 31/12/2024
- EPSO/CAST/02/2010 - Financial assistants and finance officers (Phase 1) - closing date: 31/12/2024
- EPSO/CAST/02/2010 - Financial assistants and finance officers (Phase 2) - closing date: 31/12/2024
The following "EPSO/CAST27" lists have been closed - closing date: 31/12/2024
- EPSO/CAST27/1/07 / CA / Audiovisuel / GFI / Conference Operator
- EPSO/CAST27/1/07 / CA / Building / GFI / Manual worker
- EPSO/CAST27/1/07 / CA / Food / GFI / Catering Staff
- EPSO/CAST27/1/07 / CA / Secretaries and clerks / GFI
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Audiovisuel / GFII / Conference technical assistant
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Building / GFII / Building Management Assistant
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Childcare / GFII
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Communication / GFII / Communication assistant
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Finance / GFII / Financial Assistant
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Food / GFII / Catering supervisor
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Information and Communication Technology / GFII / Assistant
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Research (biology, chemistry, physics, ...) / GFII / Laboratory assistant/Technician
- EPSO/CAST27/2/07 / CA / Security / GFII
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Audit / GFIII / Assistant Auditor/Inspector
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Building / GFIII / Building projects officer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Communication / GFIII / Graphic designer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Economics and Statistics / GFIII / Statistical Officer
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / European Administration / GFIII
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Law / GFIII / Paralegal
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Proofreading / GFIII / Proofreader
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Research (biology, chemistry, physics, ...) / GFIII / Laboratory technician
- EPSO/CAST27/3/07 / CA / Security / GFIII / Fire prevention officer
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Audiovisuel / GFIV / Audiovisual project manager
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Audit / GFIV / Auditor
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Economics and Statistics / GFIV
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Energy / GFIV / Energy adviser
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Engineering / GFIV / Graduate engineer
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / European Administration / GFIV
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Food / GFIV
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Health / GFIV / Adviser in authorisation of medicinal products
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Health / GFIV / Health adviser
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Health / GFIV / Psychopedagogy adviser
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Research (biology, chemistry, physics, ...) / GFIV / Scientific adviser
- EPSO/CAST27/4/07 / CA / Transport / GFIV / Transport adviser
- EPSO/CAST27/5/07 / CA / Development and foreign affairs / GFIII / Administrative Officer