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Information for existing candidates of Economics, and Crisis management & Migration and internal security competitions

On 28 May 2024, EPSO will reopen the application period for the following competitions:

This is necessary because EPSO is moving towards a full 24 language regime for its selection procedures as of 2024 and the serious technical issues encountered during the online testing sessions in 2023. These issues led to a pause in testing for all competitions and the decision by EPSO’s Director, acting as the Appointing Authority, in line with the opinion of the Selection Board, to suspend this competition while EPSO started looking for alternative options for a better test delivery system.

To ensure that all candidates are treated equally, the testing phase will be re-opened, requiring all candidates, including those who previously completed the tests, to undergo testing anew. Consequently, EPSO’s Director, acting as the Appointing Authority, in consultation with the competition’s Selection Board, decided that the different test events conducted in October 2023 are annulled. Candidates’ performance records and/or test scripts resulting from these test events will not undergo any processing, and no individual test results will be generated.

Existing candidates must also be aware of the following main changes:

  • All selection tests will be made available in 24 languages;
  • Your previous choice of languages will be deleted;
  • Candidates must choose 2 languages for their selection tests;
  • The case study is replaced by a written test focusing on written communication skills assessed under a specific new set of anchors;

The competition will also be open for new applicants.

In view of the above, existing candidates must choose again their languages. Existing candidates will also be given the possibility of editing their current application form, by, for instance, adding new information (e.g. education, professional experience) since they last filled this form. They will be able to do so as of 28 May 2024. Existing candidates are not obliged to edit their application form if they do not wish to introduce any changes, but they can amend it if they wish.

VERY IMPORTANT: if an existing candidate wishes to remain a candidate in the competition they must validate their application form once again, even if they have not made any changes to it.

New deadline for the validation of the application: 9 July 2024 at 12.00 (midday), Brussels time.

The deadline to submit supporting documents will also change: 4 September 2024 at 12.00 (midday), Brussels time.

EPSO invites all candidates to read the amended notice of competition carefully, as available on the competition’s dedicated webpage as of 28 May 2024.

Fecha actualizada
10/09/2024 - 12:36