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Picture of Gabriele

Gabriele G. (European Parliament)

“I moved to Luxembourg ten years ago as I was eager to work for the European Parliament, but I didn't really know about the country. When I arrived I was surprised to see that this small nation is home to such a wealth of cultures and languages. Right in the middle of Europe, Luxembourg is surrounded by nature and its magnificent landscapes, but is still within easy reach of bigger EU capitals like Paris and Brussels. In Luxembourg there are plenty of activities to do but without the stress of big city life. And after ten years, I consider it my second home.”

dominika behind flowers

Dominika, Publications Office of the European Union

“I moved to Luxembourg thinking it would be a short three-year stint, but then I fell in love and couldn’t imagine leaving. It’s a hidden green gem where you’re always just a hop, sheep, and a jump (pun intended) from a forest, yet all the modern conveniences are close by. The mix of nationalities packed into this small area is amazing, making every day feel like a multicultural adventure. Plus, everything is so charming and picturesque that it feels like living in a fairytale. Who knew such a small country could be such a “grand” duchy? :)”


Picture of kelly

Jack K. (European Commission)

“People sometimes give Luxembourg a bad reputation when it comes to nightlife. These people have obviously never experienced the eve preceding the Grand Duchy’s national day (23 June). Hundreds of thousands flock the capital’s picturesque medieval streets to watch the magnificent light and firework display, no expense spared of course! Every street has a DJ or a band playing and all the bars are open until dawn! My tip, grab a bottle of excellent Luxembourgish sparkling wine and head down to the valley of the Pétrusse to get an unobstructed view of the fireworks. Then wander through the medieval Grund quarter and enjoy the music and dancing.”

Picture of Sofia

Sofia P. (European Parliament)

“Why Luxembourg?! Well, it is a paradise for travel lovers and language geeks, where I immediately felt at home 16 years ago. I truly appreciate its European character, openness and dynamism. What do I really enjoy doing in Luxembourg? Riding my bike on the beautiful and endless cycling paths around the country, meeting up with friends from all corners of Europe, hiking in the Moselle and going shopping in Trier, Germany. What about bringing up kids here? I really feel my son and daughter are fortunate to grow up in such a multilingual, safe, tolerant and open-minded country. Yes, I feel at home here :)”

Maria Alexandra B. (European Parliament)

"Luxembourg is the perfect combination between a safe and quiet city and a full of opportunity and dynamic European capital. Free transport, every week public cultural events, clean streets, green forest hikes, rich history and welcoming communities are just a few things you will find here. If you are a travel junky like me, having the chance to visit 4-5 countries by car will for sure convince you. Personally, I would have never thought I would be leaving my home country. I travelled a lot in Europe and beyond. There was no country, I could say “I can see myself settled here”, but here I am, convinced by Luxembourg."

Meritxell D. (European Parliament)

“Luxembourg was for me a first-choice decision. I thought of it as an excellent location for my next career step, a place where I could continue learning and improving professionally. Being passionate about communication and languages, a position as Public relations officer for the translation service of the European Parliament in a city globally recognised for its excellence in multilingualism came as a perfect match. For linguistic professionals, Luxembourg is THE European capital where one can find interesting job opportunities at the EU institutions.

Luxembourg combines the benefits of a capital with those of a small town. It is very green, family-friendly and multicultural. A quiet and safe place where one can practice a wide variety of sports, enjoy music and arts, and take advantage of the proximity of other countries. Dwellers can choose between the slow- or the fast-paced versions of the city.

I have only been here for some months, but enough to hear from several people that Luxembourg can only grow on you.”

Carlos T. (European Commission)

Intellectually-stimulating, cohesive and socially-active - these would be my three overarching definitions when it comes to thinking of Luxembourg and its endless opportunities - be it academically or professionally. Coupled with this, there are a million places where you can have amazing after work social activities, in Grund and Clausen, with their wide diversity of music and bar options. All in all, and as I always say in jest: “don’t come to Luxembourg. Not only will you make friends who will become your family, but you will also have a great time. So, no, don't come ?"

Picture of Sephora

Sephora F. (European Parliament)

“From the Vianden Nut Festival in October, to the Grand Duke’s birthday celebrations in June, to the great number of bands I got to see live, in one year Luxembourg has managed to win me over. Despite originally thinking I’d be spending a lot of time indoors due to the cold weather, somehow my social calendar has never been this full - be it for concerts, parties, casual drinks, hikes or festivals. Luxembourg’s small size has turned out to be a plus, since it allows for a community-like feeling among former trainees like myself, who were lucky enough to be able to stay in the country. Apart from that, you can easily hop on a train to go to France, Germany or Belgium, amongst other places. What’s not to love? ”

Maria K. (European Commission)

“To me, one of the best things about Luxembourg is that it is so green. You never have to go far to find your own green spot, whether vineyards, forests or trails in the (small) mountains. My own favorite spots are Vianden with the castle overlooking the town and the river Our and the Mullerthal region also known as “Little Switzerland”, where you will find rocks, forest and beautiful waterfalls.”

Picture of Magdalena

Magdalena R. (European Parliament)

“Luxembourg? I was persistently looking for something lacking in this country... It’s impossible not to acknowledge the high quality of life, its safe and quiet places, its unspoiled nature, a wonderfully balanced mixture of nationalities and cultures, its diverse cultural environment, family-friendly places and the list could go on. I love hiking with my family and friends, I have many opportunities to go to concerts or the theatre, and the free public transport is a huge privilege in my eyes. Naturally, everything has a price but when you weigh up the advantages and disadvantages, I’m convinced that I have made the right choice in coming to live and work here.”

Picture of Claus

Claus, L. (European Commission)

“For me Luxembourg has so much to offer.

A multitude of cultures and nationalities which makes it a playground for anyone interested in languages and foreign habits. It’s easy to arrive in a country that is so used to welcoming people from practically everywhere. This goes for Luxembourgers and expats alike and for the public services too: At Ville de Luxembourg you can be served in French, German, Luxembourgish, Portuguese and English.

It’s a wealthy country with free public transportation. Despite its modest size, Luxembourg has a rich cultural offer and magnificent nature with hills, rivers and forests aplenty. Geographically, Luxembourg is also well placed as a starting point for exploring the neighbouring countries. You can reach the Vosges by car in 2 hours and the Alps in less than 6. In the ‘Grande Région’ nearby cities like Trier and Metz offer different atmospheres, and you can take the TGV train to Paris from Luxembourg.

I have a passion for cycling, and I appreciate the terrain, good roads and the ever-expanding net of bicycle lanes. When I ride my bike, I often visit 3 countries in less than 2 hours which is something my friends back in Denmark find quite extraordinary. A ride along the Vallée des 7 Chateaux or the Luxembourgish Ardennes always puts me in a good mood.“

Picture of Carla

Carla L. (European Parliament)

“When I first arrived in Luxembourg in 1987 I confess that I did not understand how a ‘Grand-Rue’ could be so ‘cosy’ :). However, I soon realised that it perfectly matched the country where I was about to live - the pleasant feeling of proximity, where public administration is accessible and people can actually feel at home, irrespective of their nationality. This is precious, especially in times of uncertainty and incitement to hatred. I do feel at home in a multicultural country that encourages integration instead of assimilation – here you can easily keep your own traditions while learning about new ones.”

Lavinia-Oana B. (European Court of Auditors)

“Luxembourg is definitely one of the most welcoming country for foreigners! Welcoming people of 170 nationalities one never feels like a stranger here! If you love nature, and all the activities related to it, then this is the place where you will like to settle for a quiet family life, full of energising experiences! Biking and walking are two of my favourite activities and believe me, exhausting all possibilities is basically impossible :) 

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Picture of Agnieszka

Agnieszka W. (European Commission)

“Do you like to travel? Do you like to feel a part of Europe? Then come to Luxembourg!

This small country is more international than any other country in Europe and maybe even in the world. You will never feel like a stranger here, you will always find a language to communicate.

Almost half of the population comes from other countries, you can easily use French, English, German and Luxemburgish everywhere: in the street, in the shops, at the doctor’s etc…

Within 20 minutes you can reach Germany, France or Belgium. Still want to do something more? Check the flight or train options. It is so easy to reach any destination for a weekend trip or for vacation. And you should also remember that public transport inside the country is free.

So come to Luxembourg and be at the heart of Europe!”