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Avvio del processo di trasformazione dell'EPSO

New Competency Framework greenlighted

EPSO has kick-started its transformation process. First step on the agenda - Modernising the Competency Framework.

Fulfilling the European Institutions’ goals starts with their staff. This is why the staff competencies must be optimally aligned with their missions and values. Therefore, it is essential that staff at all levels and across all EU Institutions, regardless of their background, gender, religion, culture or function, demonstrate common qualities.

In this regard, since 2010, EPSO has been using a Competency Framework consisting of 8 general competencies, which are tested at the Assessment Centre phase. However, the needs of the EU institutions have evolved over time. Reviewing the Competency Framework was a prerequisite to building a diverse pool of talent that can effectively meet their needs and reflect new advances in today’s labour market.

The new Competency Framework defines the competencies that are essential to perform effectively in a given job and provides transparent information for the selection procedure, by clarifying the expected qualities that the candidates have to demonstrate during the relevant competition tests.

Competencies form an integral part of the selection process, as they are the basis of the assessment of candidates to determine their suitability for a given job profile. They enable a targeted recruitment. They also set out clear expectations for potential candidates.

Please keep in mind that, in addition to the general competencies, for the more specialised profiles, the EU Institutions are looking for candidates that are highly qualified in their field of expertise. Information on the field-related competencies, as well as on the tests evaluating both the general and field-related competencies, can be found in the Notice of Competition.

This new competency framework will only start being used by EPSO in its competitions as of 2023.

Check out the new general competencies and the anchors taken into consideration to evaluate a competency for future testing at the Assessment Centre and keep an eye on our website for updates on the competitions in 2023.