Tirocini nelle istituzioni, negli organi e negli organismi dell'UE

Diventa un "tirocinante dell'UE"!
Un programma di tirocini presso le nelle istituzioni, negli organi e negli organismi dell'UE ti offrirà:
un'occasione unica di scoprire come può essere una carriera nell'UE
un'opportunità per migliorare le tue competenze professionali
una grande opportunità di crescita personale.
I "tirocini UE" sono disponibili in un'ampia gamma di settori quali:
risorse umane
tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione
diritto della concorrenza
politica ambientale
relazioni esterne
politica di sviluppo
e molti altri!
La maggior parte dei tirocini durano solitamente 5/6 mesi (alcuni potrebbero essere più brevi/più lunghi). I "tirocini UE" sono retribuiti (il pagamento varia a seconda dell'organizzazione ospitante).
Nel menu a tendina sottostante è possibile cercare le opportunità di tirocinio disponibili selezionando diversi istituzioni, organi e organismi dell'UE.
In bocca al lupo!
Le informazioni disponibili su questa pagina non sono esaustive. Ogni istituzione, organo e agenzia dell'UE è responsabile della gestione delle proprie procedure di selezione dei tirocini e assunzione.
Start typing to search or select from the list.
Internship - eu-LISA
Internship call in Corporate Functions (HR, Legal, Communication, Data Protection, Security, R&D, Stakeholder Management, Contract Management).
More information: https://erecruitment.eulisa.europa.eu/en/our-jobs/internships-in-corporate-func…Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali
One of the aims of the traineeship at the FRA are to allow trainees to contribute to the Agency’s mission in helping to make fundamental rights a reality for everyone in the EU.
The traineeship is offered to recent university graduates (at least one month before starting the traineeship) and persons who would benefit from initial work experience, without excluding those who have recently obtained a university diploma or are at the beginning of a new professional career. To be eligible for a traineeship, you must also have completed your most recent studies no more than three years prior to the deadline for applications.
How to apply?
Please complete your application in English. Only applications received via the FRA e-recruitment platform will be accepted. It is not possible to submit an application by email.
In your application, you must specify which unit and sector you are applying for. You can indicate only one entity. Candidates applying for more than one area will be automatically rejected.
Please note that no employment of any form can be offered following the end of the traineeship period unless through a recruitment procedure against a vacancy notice published on the FRA website.
To be eligible for a traineeship at FRA, you must meet the following conditions:
- Be a national of one of the Member States of the European Union (27), EEA countries (3) or EU candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine) or potential candidate countries (Georgia and Kosovo*);
- Have a very good knowledge of English, the working language of FRA (B2);
- Have completed university studies (obtained a degree diploma) by one month prior to the start date of the traineeship (i.e. no later than 1 September 2024) and no more than 3 years prior to the closing date for applications.
Duration: 6 months, from 1 October 2024 – 31 March 2025.
The trainee will be required to work on a full-time basis at the FRA premises in Vienna.
Monthly basic salary: 1.542,11€
More information: https://fra.gestmax.eu/827/1/traineeship-call-october-2024-cohortTraineeship opportunities at Fusion for Energy (F4E)
The F4E Traineeship Programme offers university graduates the chance to contribute to the work of F4E and gain first-hand professional experience. We are looking for motivated new talents with different academic and professional backgrounds to offer them one-year paid traineeships, provided they hold a university degree of at least three years by the closing date of applications. The Programme is driven by a constant demand in students, especially those in STEM, law, economics, and data protection disciplines. Furthermore, it promotes an Inclusivity and Diversity policy by opening positions not only to European Union graduates but also to Ukrainians and candidates with physical disabilities.
We are looking for motivated new talents with diverse academic and professional backgrounds to offer them one-year paid traineeships, provided they hold a university degree of at least three years by the closing date of applications. Whether you are an engineer, physicist, lawyer, HR specialist, communicator, project manager, or have expertise in business administration or commercial and finance, we want YOU to join F4E!
Deadline to apply: Monday, 10th of June 2024, 23:59 PM (CET+1)
More information: Apply hereTraineeships - F4E
Fusion for Energy (F4E) is the European Union’s organisation managing Europe’s contribution to ITER, the world’s largest scientific partnership that aims to demonstrate fusion as a viable and sustainable source of energy. ITER brings together seven parties that represent half of the world’s population – the EU, Russia, Japan, China, India, South Korea, and the United States.
F4E also supports fusion research and development initiatives through the Broader Approach Agreement, signed with Japan – a fusion energy partnership which will last for 10 years.
Ultimately, F4E will contribute towards the construction of demonstration fusion reactors.
What are the selection requirements?
- To be national of a Member State of the European Union. This call is also open to candidates from Ukraine.
- Have obtained a university degree within the last three (3) years before the closing date for applications.
- Have a good knowledge of English, minimum level B2 according to Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR).
- Have never been a trainee (paid or unpaid) and/or have never had any other kind of employment in any European Institution before.
Duration: from 6 to 12 months, renewable.
Paid: Yes. The selected trainees receive a monthly grant according to the cost-of-living of each location plus compensation of travel expenses at the beginning and at end of the traineeship.
Starting Date: October 2024.
More information: https://fusionforenergy.europa.eu/traineeships/Traineeships - ELA
The European Labour Authority (ELA) is organising a selection procedure for the traineeship programme 2024/2025.
The traineeships will be based in Bratislava (one will be based in Brussels) and are planned to begin on 1 or 16 October 2024.
More information: https://www.ela.europa.eu/en/ela-traineeship-programme-20242025Traineeships - EDA
EDA annually runs a 1-year Traineeship Programme aimed at recent university graduates who want to transition to the world of work in an organisation at the heart of defence cooperation in Europe.
More information: https://eda.europa.eu/careers/current-vacanciesProgramma di tirocini dell'EMA
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) operates a traineeship programme aimed at university graduates covering the areas of medicine regulation, life sciences, healthcare, chemistry, information technology, pharmaceutical law, human resources, finance, communications, public relations and library and information science. The programme gives trainees an insight into EMA and its role within the EU and the European medicines regulatory network and provides valuable professional training.
What EMA offers:
- A ten-month traineeship at the Agency’s premises in Amsterdam (1 October - 31 July)
- A full-time traineeship (40 hours a week) or a part-time traineeship (80% or 50% combined with Erasmus+ or similar programme or a PhD)
- A monthly stipend of €1,858.31 for a full-time traineeship (reduced accordingly for 80% or 50%) and a travel contribution upon joining and leaving the Agency
- A mentor responsible for establishing individual learning goals, supervising the trainee and monitoring their progress on a regular basis
- Guidance on career and development
- A development programme including learning about the Agency’s mission and activities, attending regular workshops, participating in meetings and access to Agency-wide competency development opportunities
Who can apply:
- Nationals of an EU or EEA member state
- a recent university graduate or a university student on an Erasmus + or a similar programme or a Masters university student, provided you have fully finalised a previous degree or a PhD student.
- Have a thorough knowledge of English (at least level C1) and a good knowledge of another official EU language (at least B2), as per the Common European Framework for Languages.
Traineeships – Gender Equality (Research & Policy Support Unit)
The European Institute for Gender Equality announces traineeship opportunities lasting six months for graduates who are either nationals of an EU Member State or an EFTA country or an IPA qualifying country. The traineeships are based at the Agency's premises in Vilnius, Lithuania.
EIGE is a decentralised agency of the European Union (EU) entrusted with specific objectives envisaged to contribute to, and strengthen, the promotion of gender equality.
It collects and analyses comparable and reliable information at EU level and develops appropriate methodological tools for the integration of gender equality into all EU policies.
The traineeships aim principally to:
- provide on the job training experience in key areas of the EIGE's work;
- extend and apply knowledge acquired in the course of studies or working life;
- provide practical working knowledge of EU agencies and institutions;
- enable trainees to acquire work experience in an EU agency context.
The Agency is an equal opportunity employer and accepts applications without distinction on any grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language religion or belief, political (or any other) opinion, gender identity, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Traineeship description
Reporting to a supervisor, the trainee provides assistance and support to ensure the smooth functioning of a particular area of work. The trainee is provided with relevant work experience in the context of an EU agency as part of one of the following teams.
Gender Mainstreaming
The selected trainee can expect to carry out duties from the following:
- Contribute to research, data analysis and drafting reports on various aspects of gender equality and gender mainstreaming in EU priority areas, e.g. European green deal or Institutional mechanisms for gender equality;
- Contribute to the development of evidence-based practical tools to mainstream gender in selected EU priority areas or policy processes, e.g. European green deal or pay transparency, and provision of technical assistance to EU institutions and the Member States;
- Contribute to the design and implementation of assigned statistical activities and projects, including statistical data collections, development of gender indicators and gender analysis, in the context of the Gender Statistics Database;
- Support in the maintenance, alignment and update of the Gender Statistics Database and / or the Gender Mainstreaming Platform by assisting in the development of methodological, technical, and quality reports;
- Contribute to dissemination activities by supporting the production of content, such as social media, website, fact sheets, infographics, data talks and presentations;
- Support in managing relations with stakeholders, including the organisation of thematic meetings, and with project management and procurement procedures.
Traineeships - CDT
There are 4 graduate traineeship opportunities in fields such as Translation, Advanced Language Solutions and Human Resources.
Who can apply: University graduates who are nationals of a Member State of the EU
Duration: 6-12 months
Paid: Yes. Around 1.500€ per month
Starting Dates: May – June
More information: https://cdt.europa.eu/en/cdt-tr-2024-traineeshipTraineeships - CAJU
Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is looking for candidates to join the Project Management Unit as trainee (6-month). The start date of the traineeship will be 1st March 2024.
Clean Aviation JU is located in Brussels and this position requires presence in the office.
The ideal candidate will:
- Be national of one of the Member States of the EU and enjoy full rights as citizens.
- Have a level of post-secondary education attested by a diploma.
- Have a very good command of written and spoken English.
- Demonstrate a good knowledge of Windows tools such as Word, Power Point, Excel, web based systems.
Candidates must provide copies of the diplomas or other relevant certificates.
More information: https://www.clean-aviation.eu/about-us/who-we-are/organisation/team-and-vacanci…