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Tirocini nelle istituzioni, negli organi e negli organismi dell'UE

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Diventa un "tirocinante dell'UE"!

Un programma di tirocini presso le nelle istituzioni, negli organi e negli organismi dell'UE ti offrirà:

  • un'occasione unica di scoprire come può essere una carriera nell'UE

  • un'opportunità per migliorare le tue competenze professionali

  • una grande opportunità di crescita personale.

I "tirocini UE" sono disponibili in un'ampia gamma di settori quali:

  • risorse umane

  • comunicazione

  • tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione

  • diritto della concorrenza 

  • politica ambientale

  • relazioni esterne

  • politica di sviluppo

  • e molti altri!

La maggior parte dei tirocini durano solitamente 5/6 mesi (alcuni potrebbero essere più brevi/più lunghi). I "tirocini UE" sono retribuiti (il pagamento varia a seconda dell'organizzazione ospitante).
Nel menu a tendina sottostante è possibile cercare le opportunità di tirocinio disponibili selezionando diversi istituzioni, organi e organismi dell'UE.
In bocca al lupo!

Le informazioni disponibili su questa pagina non sono esaustive. Ogni istituzione, organo e agenzia dell'UE è responsabile della gestione delle proprie procedure di selezione dei tirocini e assunzione. 

Start typing to search or select from the list.

Tirocini - ACER

Open for application: 28/04/2019
Deadline: no deadline for application
Location(s): Lubiana (Slovenia)
Institution/EU body(ACER) Agenzia per la cooperazione fra i regolatori nazionali dell’energia


Il programma di tirocini è rivolto principalmente ai giovani laureati, senza escludere coloro che, nel quadro dell'apprendimento permanente, hanno recentemente ottenuto un diploma universitario e sono all'inizio di una nuova carriera professionale.

Chi può candidarsi:

  • cittadini di uno Stato membro dell'Unione europea che abbiano come minimo 18 anni.
  • I candidati devono avere un livello di studi corrispondente a un ciclo completo di studi universitari certificato da un diploma di laurea (conseguito in uno Stato membro dell'UE o provvisto di un certificato di equivalenza rilasciato dalle autorità di uno Stato membro), quando la durata normale di tali studi è di tre anni o più.
  • I candidati non devono aver già beneficiato o beneficiare di qualsiasi tipo di tirocinio nell'ambito di un'istituzione o di un organo dell'Unione europea, né essere impiegati in alcun modo presso un'istituzione o un organo dell'Unione europea.

Durata: 6 mesi

Retribuzione: sì. 600 euro (contributo mensile) e 350 euro (indennità di alloggio).

Date di inizio: 1º settembre o 1º marzo.

More information:…

Traineeships - SatCen

Deadline: no deadline for application
Location(s): Torrejon de Ardoz, Spagna
Institution/EU body(SatCen) Centro satellitare dell'Unione europea

Do you want to:

  • Get practical, first-hand training and work experience in an EU security and defence Agency?
  • Join a multi-national team of first-class experts with diverse backgrounds (civil, military and intelligence)?
  • Work in an intellectually stimulating environment offering an attractive financial benefits package?

And all of that, in a unique location (Torrejón de Ardoz airbase) just 20 minutes outside one of the coolest cities in Europe: Madrid!

What traineeships do we offer?

We are looking for profiles that range from:

  • Geospatial Science/GEOINT/IMINT profiles.
  • Open- Source Information Analysts and Quality Assurance specialists.
  • IT profiles (Cybersecurity, AI/Machine Learning).
  • Legal, Human Resources, Communications and Finance.


Traineeships are offered for an initial period of 6 months, with the possibility of extension for another 6 months (max. 12 months).

Financial deal:

Traineeships encompass full-time work experience at SatCen (40 hours a week), and trainees receive a monthly stipend of €1,200 plus a transport allowance of €206.89.


Our traineeships are compatible with previous traineeships in other EU Institutions/Agencies: even if you have already been a trainee in the past, you can still apply!

Other than that, candidates must:

  • Be nationals of the Member States of the European Union.
  • Have recently graduated from university or be in the last year of their studies.
  • Have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, one of which should be English (minimum level of B2), the working language of the SatCen.

Key dates:

As a general rule, traineeships are organised via 2 yearly intakes:

-  In spring: from 1 April until 30 September. (approx. publication period: October to November).

-  In autumn: from 1 October until 31 March. (approx. publication period: April to May).

Please, note that the actual timeframes are clearly indicated in each vacancy notice, and may vary according to the needs of the Centre. 

More information: Satcen - traineeships

European Committee of the Regions: Cicero Traineeships

Deadline: no deadline for application
Location(s): Bruxelles (Belgio)
Institution/EU bodyComitato europeo delle regioni

Spring Session: 16 February to 15 July - Application period: 1 July to 30 September (noon/12:00, Brussels time) of the previous year
Autumn Session: 16 September to 15 February - Application period: 3 January to 31 March (noon/12:00, Brussels time) of the same year

As a CoR trainee, you will be witnessing first-hand the dynamics of a multilingual and multinational institution. Within a small group of trainees, you will not only be able to work across a wide range of EU policy aspects, but you will also have the unique possibility to create an event by yourself!

Thanks to the unique YFactor scheme, trainees are invited to carry out project work addressing issues that are relevant for European regions and cities. Whether you decide to work on a conference, a podcast, or an eBook – as a CoR trainee your creativity will be challenged and encouraged!

Who can apply: EU citizens.

Citizens from third countries (including the UK) can also apply, and may be selected in exceptional cases, notably if their candidature is of particular interest to the CoR and if they comply with the requirements under national immigration law for residing and working legally in Belgium.

University graduates who have obtained a full undergraduate academic degree, or have completed at least the third year of higher education (university or equivalent), by the closing date for applications.

Candidates with excellent knowledge of one of the EU's official languages and satisfactory knowledge of French or English.

Duration: 5 months

Paid: Yes. Around 1,400 € per month

Starting Dates: 16 February and 16 September

More information:

Comitato europeo delle regioni: Visite di studio

Deadline: no deadline for application
Location(s): Bruxelles (Belgio)
Institution/EU bodyComitato europeo delle regioni

Students looking to finalise their work project, or who are curious about how local and regional authorities contribute to EU legislation in fields such as Citizenship, Cohesion, Climate Change, Public Procurement and Security are welcome to apply for a short-term study visit. Study visits are an excellent opportunity to discover the geographical dimension of EU policies. Moreover, they provide the occasion to reinforce academic preparation with first-hand experience with the work of an EU consultative body.

Study visits are traineeships not remunerated by the CoR. In order to be accepted for a study visit, applicants must either:

  • provide proof of funding from another body, such as a university, a public / private body or NGO, in the form of a scholarship, grant, etc.
  • or provide proof that the study visit is an integral part of their education (for example, if the study visit is required as part of thesis research or to complete the course of studies).

Who can apply: EU citizens.

Citizens from third countries (including the UK) may apply and may be selected in exceptional cases, notably if their candidature is of particular interest to the CoR and if they comply with requirements under national immigration law for residing and working legally in Belgium.

The applicant has to hold at least a Bachelor's degree (or have completed half of a Bachelor's degree deemed relevant to the CoR's work).

Candidates with excellent knowledge of one of the EU's official languages and satisfactory knowledge of French or English.

Duration: 1 to 4 months (it may be extended to 6 months depending on the resources available)

Starting Dates: at any time, upon agreement

More information:

Comitato europeo delle regioni: visite di studio per funzionari governativi

Deadline: no deadline for application
Location(s): Bruxelles (Belgio)
Institution/EU bodyComitato europeo delle regioni

The scheme is open to staff or trainees from a national, regional or local public authority of an EU Member State and may give both the CoR and the official's employing institution the opportunity to enhance collaboration and networking opportunities. Moreover, officials participating in this type of exchange scheme may have the opportunity to gain insights into the work of the CoR while at the same time developing their skills, competencies and knowledge.

Who can apply: Staff from a national, regional or local public authority of an EU member state.

Citizens from third countries (including the UK) may apply and may be selected in exceptional cases, notably if their candidature is of particular interest to the CoR and if they comply with requirements under national immigration law for residing and working legally in Belgium.

The applicant has to hold at least a Bachelor's degree (or have completed half the cycle of a Bachelor's degree deemed relevant to the CoR's work) and work in a position at a level and with content corresponding to the duties performed by EU staff within the CoR.

Excellent knowledge of French or English.

Duration: 2 to 6 months (can be extended to 12 months)

Paid: Remuneration is provided by the sending institution.

Starting Dates: at any time, upon agreement

More information:

Traineeships - EFSA

Location(s): Parma (Italia)
Institution/EU body(EFSA) Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare

Are you a dynamic and proactive young professional looking for an enriching experience in a truly international working environment? Are you curious to explore a career path within an European Agency and contribute to protecting human life and health, taking account of animal health and welfare, plant health and the environment?

Then look no further and apply for a 12 month-traineeship at European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)! 

EFSA Traineeship Programme offers you a unique opportunity to join a team of professionals from all over the world working together in an international and multicultural environment on Science, Safe Food and Sustainability projects at the heart of European Food Safety activities.  

We are looking forward to welcoming motivated young talents from different academic and professional backgrounds (scientists, communication and legal professionals, IT experts, etc.).

From scientists to communication specialists and the colleagues supporting our daily work, everyone at EFSA has a role to play in achieving our mission to keep food safe in the EU.

EFSA Traineeship programme lasts for up to 12 months and offers you:

  • A unique professional experience as part of a team of scientists and business professionals from all over the world, working together on inspiring projects and various tasks in an international, multicultural, and friendly environment;
  • An opportunity to get a taste of what an EU career is all about for an extended period (12 months) and experience that can act as a springboard for a number of career paths;
  • Exposure to different areas and networks in EFSA, while developing personal and professional competencies;
  • A mentoring/advising relationship: as a trainee you will have an adviser who will be your main point of contact and will be responsible for the overall coordination of your traineeship;
  • A modern working environment with flexible working arrangements to help balance professional and personal lives: besides working in EFSA’s modern headquarter located in the heart of Parma, as an EFSA trainee you are also offered the possibility to telework up to 60% per week from the distance reachable to Parma within approximately 3 hours. Such conditions will allow you to enjoy working not only from home, but also from the Dolomite Mountains or the Ligurian Sea coast, etc.;
  • A monthly grant of €1,463.

More information:

EBA - Traineeships - Conduct, Payments and Consumers (COPAC) Unit

Open for application: 04/03/2025
Location(s): Parigi (Francia)
Institution/EU body(EBA) Autorità bancaria europea

The EBA is looking for trainees for the Conduct, Payments and Consumers (COPAC) Unit. The mission of the COPAC Unit is to protect consumers against harm arising from the misconduct of firms, to make retail payments more secure, competitive, innovative and convenient, and to prevent bank runs by strengthening depositors when their bank fails.

More information:…

Traineeships - EUROFOUND

Location(s): Dublino (Irlanda)
Institution/EU body(EUROFOUND) Fondazione europea per il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita e di lavoro

Eurofound’s post-graduate traineeship programme is addressed to recent university graduates, without excluding those who – in the framework of lifelong learning – have recently obtained their university qualification and are at the beginning of a new professional career.

12 trainee profiles are offered in 2025 – 11 for placement in Research:

Working life: Industrial relations; Working conditions Survey 2024 – data analysis; Minimum Wage database; Social Dialogue Network; Social Dialogue Network / Communication; Working Time in Europe.

Employment: European Restructuring Monitor databases; Change (anticipating & managing impact);

Social policies: Living conditions & quality of life; Social cohesion & convergence; Surveys.

as well as 1 profile in the Information & Communication unit in the Web team.

Applications are valid until end of 2025. Shortlisted candidates may be contacted for online interviews, throughout the year, according to business needs.

Duration: 6-month traineeships are offered and can be extended up to a maximum of 12 months.

Grants: In the 2025 programme, Trainees are paid a monthly grant of €1,929.58.

Eligibility Criteria:

To apply for a graduate traineeship, you must:

  • Be a national of a Member State of the EU.
  • have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, of which one should be English - the working language of Eurofound.
  • Have recently obtained a university degree.

Trainees do not benefit from sickness insurance. Before the start of your traineeship, you must prove you are covered by a sickness and accident insurance.

Traineeships are not offered to applicants who have already been a trainee or an employee in a European institution or body, for more than six weeks.

More information:

EIGE – Traineeships (Administration Unit)

Location(s): Vilnius (Lituania)
Institution/EU body(EIGE) Istituto europeo per l'uguaglianza di genere

EIGE is launching a call for applications for traineeships lasting 11 months within its Administration Unit.

These traineeships aim principally to:

  • provide on the job training experience in key areas of the Agency's work covered by the Administration Unit, in particular with one of three teams focused on either (i) Audit and HR, or (ii) Finance and Procurement or (iii) ICT and Facility Management;
  • extend and apply knowledge acquired in the course of studies or working life;
  • provide practical working knowledge of EU agencies and institutions;
  • enable trainees to acquire work experience in an EU agency context.

More information:

EIT - Traineeship

Location(s): Budapest (Ungheria), Bruxelles (Belgio)
Institution/EU body(EIT) Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia

The EIT is now launching a call for application for its traineeship programme for a period of six months for an intake at the beginning of 2025.

The trainee will support the daily operations of the Directorate & Administration as well as the Innovation, Education & Communication and the Knowledge and Innovation Communities Departments.

The place of employment will be Budapest, Hungary, where the EIT Headquarters are located. For the case of the Communication & Engagement Unit, there is a possibility for one of the trainees to be assigned to work from the EIT Liaison Office in Brussels, Belgium.

More information:…