Please check also:
- the Member States training and support contact list to find out the training and support provided by some of them.
- the list of universities hosting EU Careers Student Ambassadors this academic year.
This webpage will allow you to connect to the Member States’ social media accounts, where they publish regular information on EU Careers, including EPSO competitions.
In some cases, you will also find the links to relevant websites.
This will allow you, for instance, to learn about possible promotion events, online or in person, organised by your Member State’s authorities.
Social media accounts and websites exclusively used to promote EU Careers:
The accounts below, are run by the Czech EU Careers Student Ambassadors, but the content is exclusively dedicated to EPSO competitions and other related EPSO activities and is based on a collaboration between Czech ministries and the Student Ambassadors:
Social media accounts and websites exclusively used to promote EU Careers:
Social media accounts used by the Permanent Representation:
Social media account of the Director-General for European Affairs at Federal Foreign Office:
Further useful information (in German only) can be found in the newsletter “Eine Karriere in Europa”, issued by the Federal Foreign Office, to which you can subscribe.
The EE Permanent Representation (spokesperson) monitors EPSO competitions and relays relevant information via their twitter account.
Social media accounts used to promote EU Careers:
A Career for EU/Gairm san AE (English)
A Career for EU/Gairm san AE (Irish)
EU jobs | How To Apply For Jobs In The EU
Social media accounts used to promote EU Careers:
Secretary-General for European Affairs (SGAE):
INSP (Institut national du service public)
The website of the Secretary-General for European Affairs (SGAE), via their careers and jobs webpage also contains relevant information.
Social media accounts used to promote EU Careers:
The main responsibility for making regular announcements and for engaging with citizens falls on the EU Student Ambassador. The Ministry of Justice and Public Administration and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs provide guidance and support for any kind of activities or initiatives (e.g. webinars, seminars, interviews, workshops, etc.) related to careers in the EU institutions and agencies.
News about EU Careers are published on the accounts of the Permanent Representation:
The Social media accounts are not exclusively dedicated to EU Careers.
Job opportunities in the EU are made public via:
EU Careers information circulated via the Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM) and the Permanent Representation accounts. The Social media accounts are not exclusively dedicated to EU Careers but have regular information.
SEM - Servizzi Ewropej f'Malta: Overview | LinkedIn
Social media accounts: Follow WerkenbijdeEU on social media and receive useful updates on upcoming career opportunities, events and support to Dutch nationals.
Website: WerkenbijdeEU
Online platforms:
Are you a student or recent graduate? Connect with WerkenbijdeEU and let’s stay in touch!
Social media accounts not exclusively dedicated to EU Careers but with regular information:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sports (BMKOES)
The Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland promotes employment opportunities in the EU institutions and bodies on:
Social media accounts used to promote EU Careers:
These EU-related accounts also publish regular EU Careers information (Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors):
The website of the European Information Centre Jacques Delors (CIEJD), via their jobs and internships webpage, also contains relevant information.
The LinkedIn page is exclusively dedicated to EPSO competitions and other related EPSO activities:
The accounts below, are run by the Slovenian EU Careers Student Ambassadors, but the content is exclusively dedicated to EPSO competitions and other related EPSO activities and is based on a collaboration between the Ministry of Public Administration and the Student Ambassador:
Permanent Representation:
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Social media accounts used to promote EU Careers:
Please check also: